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“所以,我不欠你妻子的吗?”她。"So, don't I owe your cuckoldry?"She.

但是大家都没有看出来他妻子的变化。But everyone didn't see out his cuckoldry variety.

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做妻子的时候女人会让男人头疼。Do cuckoldry a woman for time will let man headache.

但这个人成为他妻子的可能性几乎为零。But this person become his cuckoldry possibility almost is zero.

但这个人成为他妻子的可能性几乎为零。But this person become his cuckoldry possibility almost to zero.

可是新婚不久,丈夫就作出了对不起妻子的事。"Newly married but soon, the husband made a sorry cuckoldry matter.

不知道过了多久,他被妻子的哭喊声唤醒。他。Don't once know how long, he was cried by the cuckoldry to shout a voice.

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她指出,除了基因研究,还有其他可以证明绿帽子比例很低的证据。The evidence of low rates of cuckoldry comes not just from gene studies, she noted.

不知道伍迪·艾伦说的是他跟哪位妻子的事,他一共离过两次婚。Don't know five Dis ·what moxa Lun say be him heel which cuckoldry matter, he totally once left a two marriage.

刚刚办完妻子的后事,又失去了孩子,悠介万念惧寂。Just finished doing cuckoldry funeral affairs, and then lost a kid, leisurely lay ten thousand Ji of reading to fear tos.

而且,虽然当前世界吃里爬外和戴绿帽子事件层出不穷,还是丈夫们在担任着大多数孩子的父亲角色。And, despite all the adultery and cuckoldry that goes on in the world, it is the husband who fathers most of the children.

福全似乎也察觉到了身边妻子的异常,略微尴尬的笑了笑。All of the blessing seems also and realizes contiguous cuckoldry abnormality, just a little and embarrassedly smiled to laugh.

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战淳轩冷眼瞪过去,两只大手死死的揽住妻子的腰肢,坚决不肯再让她去厨房内忙碌。Fight Chun Xuan cool detachment gaze in the past, two big hand deads died of the Lan lives a cuckoldry waist limb, determinedly wasn't compliant to make her go to again engaged inside the kitchen.