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克制是异端邪说的敌人。Continence is the foe of heresy.

协助促进节制。Assist in the promotion of continence.

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您可以选择按您的节制。You can choose as per your continence.

她发誓要领导一个生活的节制。She vowed to lead a life of continence.

但是,肌肉不能维持自身的可控。But that muscle can't maintain continence on its own.

盆底肌电刺激可增加尿道控尿能力。Electrical pelvic floor stimulating can improve the continence.

他们必须发誓要绝对禁欲,避开所有贪婪和欲望的想法。They must take the vow of absolute continence and eschew all thought of greed and lust.

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禁尿回复的时程是由病历纪录中尿管拔除时到达成禁尿之间的时间。The time from removal of urethral catheter to urinary continence achieved was determined by chart review in these patients.

因而,政府必须在生活世界面前保持坚强的自制,又必须卓越地领导生活世界的发展。The government must keep steel continence before the living world, and she must lead the development of the living world too.

呼吁国民保健服务直接对○八四五四六四七的详情,您最近的可控服务谁可以提供意见,如果您有资格为免费供应。Call NHS Direct on 0845 4647 for details of your nearest continence service who can adviseifyou are eligible for free supplies.

马图尔和拉妮罗曼妮开始把室利罗摩克里希纳的行为部分地归咎于精神病,至少他会有严格的自制。Mathur and Rani Rasmani began to ascribe the mental ailment of Sri Ramakrishna in part, at least, to his observance of rigid continence.

注意自制与复活联系在一起,在这篇文章中,避开性事,直接与身体的复活相联系。Notice how continence is linked to resurrection, so the avoidance of sex is directly linked to the resurrection of the body in this text.

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认为可控回肠袋代膀胱术具有手术成功率高,可控性好,远期并发症少的优点,是尿路改道的较理想术式。Continent ileal pouch was believed to be an ideal form of urinary diversion with a high success and continence rate and few complications.

使用柔和的电刺激可以增强骨盆底的肌肉,支持小便控制和克制。Through the use of mild electrical stimulation, the muscles of the pelvic floor can be strengthened to encourage urinary control and continence.

然而,患者在此阶段可能不愿意接受侵入式治疗,因此往往需经过1年的时间才可恢复正常排尿功能。Nevertheless, patients may not want invasive therapy during this early period and therefore it usually takes one year to achieve normal continence.

保留神经技术或重建耻骨前列腺韧带以及支持膀胱可带来膀胱排尿可控性。Techniques of sparing or reconstructing the puboprostatic ligaments and support of the bladder are evolving in efforts to improve continence results.

一个300人的试验表明,与不进行练习相比,非生物反馈性骨盆底肌肉练习可显著缩短尿失禁的治愈时间。In one 300-patient trial, PFMT with no biofeedback significantly reduced the time to recovery of continence compared with no training, the authors report.

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所有产品中的伤口护理,造口护理和失禁护理产品将使用新包装。泌尿外科和皮肤护理产品将继续使用现在的包装。All products in the Wound Care, Ostomy Care and Continence Care areas will be in the new boxes. Urology and Skin Care products will remain in the current boxes.

专家给所有成年人的建议都是睡足8小时的安稳觉,但有时疼痛、慢性疾病、自制问题、抑郁或压力使得很多人都做不到这一点。While a solid eight hours is recommended for all adults, sometimes pain, chronic illness, continence issues, depression or stress prevent many from hitting that target.

亚里士多德用他的典型的道德哲学讨论方法探讨了关于自制、不能自制与节制的区别及其疑难。He studied the difference and puzzle between continence, incontinence and temperance in terms of his own moral philosophy, and treated continence and incontinence as a pair of middle character.