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你们曾经做出什么努力来超越人呢?What have ye done to surpass man?

中国今年有望超越日本。China could surpass Japan this year.

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要在速度上胜过艾文斯很难。It is hard to surpass Evans in speed.

人在爱中超越自我。To be in love is to surpass oneself.

我们将超越历史,成为外贸领航者之一。In the future, we will surpass the past.

用30多年的时间超过英国。It took 30-odd years to surpass Britain.

不要松劲,他们很快就赶过你了。Don't let down! They'll surpass you soon.

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年轻人在气力上赛过老年人。Young people surpass old men in strength.

他希望有一天能刷新世界记录。He hopes one day to surpass the world record.

才学超群。One's abillity and learning surpass the average.

我我一定要挑战我的极限并且超越它们!I must challenge my limites and then surpass them!

三是实现河现实关照的趄越指向未来。The third is to surpass the realism, guide the future.

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到2013年住户开支统计调查希望能超过100亿欧元大关。By 2013 hes hoping to surpass the 100-million-euro mark.

这能超越Chrome的身份携带能力吗?Does this surpass Chrome's identity-porting capabilities?

一只方向正确的乌龟,可以赛过一只迷失方向的兔子。A turtle in the right direction, can surpass a lost rabbit.

鲸目动物的声音运用能力甚至超过大多数灵长类动物。Cetaceans even surpass most primates in their use of sound.

鳄鱼出没的水,努力超越自己。Crocodile-infested water, and strive to surpass themselves.

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才德的女子很多,惟独你超过一切!Many woman have done excellently, but you surpass them all.

谁知道,刚走了两步,他就有些迈不动脚步了。Who know, just walk two, he some could not surpass a tread.

谁能拯救自己,谁就不能乐极。He who self-life never spare has the joys which all surpass.