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那是个偏心轮。That is an eccentric wheel.

你如何变得带有怪癖呢?How do you become eccentric?

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是我变成了一个古怪的收藏者吗?。Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder?

他是个怪人,行动老是古古怪怪的。He is an eccentric and always behaves oddly.

我对吕弗勒古怪的爱好感到高兴。I was happy about Loeffler's eccentric crushes.

偏心旋转阀的特点?。The characteristics of eccentric rotating valve?

铝臂支架和偏心轴套。Aluminium wishbone braces and eccentric bushings.

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他生活在新奥尔良,是个不折不扣的怪人He lived in New Orleans, he was eccentric as hell.

哈拉是明坂星上一个古怪的老太太。Halla was an eccentric old woman who lived on Mimban.

俱备翼型离心式、定载、静音离心式之特性。Wing eccentric type, rated load, quiet eccentric type.

平衡轴是一个装有偏心重块的轴。Balancing shaft is the shaft with an eccentric weights.

克服娇气、孤僻、合群的精神文化。Overcome squeamish eccentric gregarious spirit culture.

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现在就随兴搞怪,不需要等上了年纪了才穿上紫红袍。Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

“水瓶”的生日愿望是希望他们非凡才能能被大家接受。Aquarian wish to be accepted for the eccentric genius it is.

左室离心性扩张型的左室重量指数增加。In eccentric type of IV enlargement, the LVMI was increased.

不管来客贫或富,迎上竹楼不偏心。Whether poor or rich visitors, went up Zhulou not eccentric.

不要用这些怪僻的词藻来掩饰思想的贫乏。Don't conceal the poverty of thought by the eccentric diction.

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即使偏心老汽车旅馆和加油站都榜上有名。Even eccentric old motels and gas stations have made the list.

王先生是个古怪的老人,他喜欢收集茶壶。Mr. Wang is an eccentric old man who likes to collect tea pots.

稀奇古怪的动物选手似乎越来越多。The use of animals in eccentric acts appears to have increased.