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我已经有男朋友了。I have a boyfriend.

她有男朋友了。She has a boyfriend.

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我依然是妳的情郎!I am still you boyfriend.

那是我的男朋友迈特。That's my boyfriend Matt.

那么他是你的男朋友吗?Is he your boyfriend then?

你男朋友踹了你。Your boyfriend dumped you.

我已经有男朋友了。I already have a boyfriend.

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我的男朋友瞒着我拈花惹草。My boyfriend cheated on me!

你男朋友好壮啊。E.g. your boyfriend is buff!

我没交过男朋友。I have never had a boyfriend.

谁是塞德里克?你男朋友?。Who's cedric, your boyfriend?

但是我一直找不到我男朋友。But I never find my boyfriend.

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我男朋友是个猛男。My boyfriend is a beefcake guy.

她背弃了她的男朋友。She has forsaken her boyfriend.

他抓走了我的男朋友。He's got my boyfriend somewhere.

你是怎样遇见你的男朋友的?How did you meet your boyfriend?

我的男朋友以前是个小气鬼!My boyfriend is used to a meany.

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她对男朋友不忠。She's disloyal to her boyfriend.

谢了,我男朋友送的,来,洒些试试。Thanks-it was from my boyfriend.

谢谢—是男朋友送的,来,洒些试试。Thanks-it was from my boyfriend.