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特纳的朋友说,他伤心至极。Turner 's friends said he was inconsolable.

你的离开让我如此伤心。I'm so inconsolable because of your departure.

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当然,居民当中也有极其绝望的。Still, there was inconsolable despair among residents.

他的遗孀,得不到一点安慰,继续开着那店铺。His inconsolable widow continued to keep the wine-shop.

那个小女刚出生的孩子因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。The less girl were inconsolable at the loss of IT kitten.

那小女孩因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.

这个小女孩因为丢失了她的小猫而极度伤心。The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.

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在走进体育场通道时,刘翔极为伤心。Liu was inconsolable after he walked into the stadium tunnel.

在经历一个顾客的羞辱性冲突后,他极为伤心。After a humiliating conflict with a customer, he is inconsolable.

或者你会像个贝壳那样关闭自己用极度沮丧的沉默折磨你的情人?Or will you close up like a shell and torture your partner with inconsolable silence?

这是我们第56场比赛,而事实上这是我们头一遭碰到无法弥补的失利。This is our 56th game of the season, and in truth it is the first where defeat is inconsolable.

她伤心欲绝,甚至对我叔叔荷马扬的玄奥哲学无动于衷。She was inconsolable and unaffected by even the philosophical profundities offered by uncle Homayoun.

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根据科林斯字典的解释,这个单词意为“绝望、痛苦、可怜或者悲惨至极”。According to Collins German dictionary, the word means "hopeless, miserable, wretched or inconsolable"

听说贾巴大人伤心欲绝,无法安慰。他已经请求共和国帮助——请共和国派出绝地武士找回他的孩子。Lord Jabba is said to be inconsolable. He has asked the Republic to help—to send Jedi to find the child.

当亲人们搀扶她离开现场时,这位母亲悲伤欲绝,像布娃娃一样跛行!The mother is inconsolable as loved ones lead her -- her body as limp as a rag doll's -- from the scene.

据说,沙。贾汗极为悲伤,甚至打算退位,将王位让给他的儿子们。It is believed that Shah Jahan was inconsolable to the point of contemplating abdication in favour of his sons.

为做过的事后悔会因时间流逝而慢慢平抚,为没做过的事而后悔则无法平抚。Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time, It is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.

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如果他因伤退赛,美国人会很失望,但是不会伤心至极。If he had pulled out due to injury, Americans would have been disappointed, but they would not have been inconsolable.

就在看似不可和解的悔恨释然的神圣时刻,是主,他通过让她们互相忏悔,将一桩濒临破碎的婚姻重新编织如初。And in a transcendent moment of inconsolable grief, God knitted a marriage back together—through the power of confession.

他当时表示,他非常的难过,也不期望那事发生。这种内疚持续了很久,那场比赛过后,三十多年来依旧难以忘怀。I was inconsolable. I didn't want it to happen. How long did the feeling last? How long ago was the game? Thirty-odd years.