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贝壳串珠是用海贝壳制作的。Wampum was made of seashells.

多少钱是你的金钱的价值有多少?How much is your wampum worth?

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他们为那工作付出很多的钱。They paid a lot of wampum for the job.

我从北美买了一些贝壳串珠。I brought some wampum from North America.

打开一个小商店和使用金钱的钱!Open a little store and use your wampum for money!

最后,建立您的金钱的紫色和白色的线通心粉。At last, create your wampum by stringing purple and white macaroni.

Lenape人使用一种自己发明的,称作“wampum”的货币系统。The Lenape used a money system of their own invention called "wampum."

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印度的钱被称为金钱和包括字符串的珠子从炮弹的蛤蜊和其他贝类。The Indian money was called wampum and consisted of strings of beads made from the shells of clams and other shellfish.

贝壳数珠在马萨诸塞作为法定货币用来清偿私人债务一直流通到1661年,在纽约作为货币使用知道1701年。Wampum circulated as legal tender for private debts in Massachusetts until 1661 and was used as money in New York as late as 1701.

美洲殖民地最早的一种货币形式是借用印第安人的贝壳数珠,一种蚌壳磨成的黑白珠子。In the american colonies one of the earliest forms of money , borrowed from the indians , was wampum , black and white polished beads made from clam shells.

然而,这些奴隶必须每年支付给西印度公司一笔资产——通常是以粮食,皮毛,钱的形式——而且他们的孩子仍然被认为是“完全的奴隶。”However, these slaves had to pay the Company every year -- usually in the form of grain, furs, or wampum -- and their children were considered "full slaves."

由于非常渴望获得利润,荷兰人一度自己在荷兰生产wampum,想在新阿姆斯特丹用它来与土著人交易。At one point, the Dutch -- eager to improve their profits -- produced their own wampum in Holland, hoping to use it back in New Amsterdam to trade with the natives.

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由于欧洲政府禁止殖民者在新世界制造属于自己的货币,当地的荷兰和英国商人也就接受了wampum货币系统。Since European governments forbade colonists to produce their own currency in the New World, Dutch and British merchants there also adopted wampum as a system of money.