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那是我最爱的书店。That was my favorite bookshop.

我先去西单书店。We went to Xidan Bookshop first.

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他的朋友们住在书店的楼上。His friends live above the bookshop.

这本小说是我在那家书店买的。I bought the novel in that bookshop.

我花了几小时在书店里东看看西看看。I spent hours browsing in the bookshop.

这家书店出售少儿读物。This bookshop sells books for children.

你可以从我的书店任意选书。You can choose any book in my bookshop.

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今天,妈妈带我去一间好大间的书局。Mummy brought me to a very big bookshop.

他四处环望着暗着的书店。He stared around at the darkened bookshop.

请派一辆出租汽车到新华书店。Please send a taxi to the Xinghua Bookshop.

我看见他突然拐进路旁一家书店里去了。I saw him strike into a bookshop along the road.

我在一家旧书店里偶然发现一本珍本书。I lighted on a rare book in a secondhand bookshop.

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赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.

我赶巧在一家旧书店里买到这本书。I got this book by chance at a second-hand bookshop.

这家布店位于一家金店和一家书店之间。The cloth shop stands between a gold shop and a bookshop.

在书店里他们的工作不轻也不重。They have a moderate amount of work to do in the bookshop.

我最近在纽约的一个小书店里做朗读。I recently gave a reading in a little bookshop in New York.

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这是我小时候在书店经常浏览的一本书。It was a book I browsed through when I was a kid in a bookshop.

今天上午我在那家旧书店偶然看到一本很难弄到的书。This morning I lighted on a rare book in the secondhand bookshop.

附近的一所建筑是著名的海查德书店。Nearby is the building that houses Hatchard's, the famous bookshop.