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不,谢谢。工作的时候我不抽。No, thanks. Not wh ile I'm working.

我不在时你。要好好照顾自己…Take goo. d care of yourself wh. ile I'm out. '

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听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?Ever hear of te ile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity?

研究人员在2000年迁徙了4个阿尔达布拉陆龟来到那阿格莱特岛。Researchers relocated four giant Aldabra tortoises to Ile aux Aigrettes in 2000.

一枚瞄得准的飞弹必会推毁多数的坦克车,卡车及其他设备。One well-placed miss ile would destroy most of tanks, trucks and other equipment.

不过,北韩官员没有证实或否认北韩即将进行这类试验的说法。But North Korean officials did not confirm or deny that a mi ile test is imminent.

马特•B•丹尼斯野战炮兵少校目前正在参加位于美国堪萨斯州利文沃思堡的ILE。Major Matt B. Dennis, Field Artillery, is currently attending ILE at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

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最初的尝试是到瓦什岛,又叫牛岛,位于海地周边海域的一个小岛。One of the first attempts was on île àVache, a.k.a. Cow Island, a small isle off the coast of Haiti.

核心商务英语课程刚刚向遴选的幸运学生发出了独家邀请函!Exclusive invitations have just been issued to select individuals for the ILE Business Essentials program!

平壤表示,北韩2002年同日本签署的一项协议不妨碍北韩进行远程导弹试验。North Korea says that a 2002 agreement with Japan does not prevent it from conducting long range mi ile tests.

巴黎-上午去巴黎北部圣心大教堂,下午去巴黎圣母院,游览斯德岛和圣路易岛。Visit the Basilique du Sacre Coeur, then to Notre-Dame , sightseeing in the Ile de la Cite and the Ile St-Louis.

常春藤商务英语ILE是卓越的在线英语培训机构,专注于提供优质的商务英语和商务技能培训。ILE is the premier online school offering instructor-led programs for learning English and English-related skills.

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然后国王领她穿过芳香扑鼻的花园和巍峨高大的殿堂,但她的嘴唇上和她的眼睛里,没有一丝一毫的笑容闪现。Afterwards he led her through fragrant gardens and lofty halls, but not a ile appeared on her lips or sparkled in her eyes.

当艾丽莎见到这些贴心的东西,一丝笑意在嘴边出现。心情激动得脸颊露出了红晕。When Eliza saw all these things which lay so near her heart, a ile played around her mouth, and the crimson blood rushed to her cheeks.

法国巴黎大区投资促进协会日前发布全球最具吸引力城市排名,上海位居伦敦之后,排名第二,香港和北京分列第3和第5。Shanghai ranks 2nd only to London in a list of the world's most attractive cities released by Paris Ile de France Capitale Economique. Hong Kong and Beijing rank 3rd and 5th.

合同的目的是帮助支撑布列塔尼,诺曼底和首都周围法兰西岛地区中小型规模的公司专家的行为。The orders are intended to help sustain activities of specialist small and medium-sized companies in Brittany, Normandy and the Ile de France region around the capital, the DGA said.