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拍照车牌号码使用微距镜头。Photograph the VIN number using a macro lens.

这条建议来自约会专家范迪卡洛。This tip comes from dating expert Vin DiCarlo.

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你需要一辆速度很快的车,还需要范·迪塞尔的保架护航。You need a fast car and you need Vin Diesel ridin' shotgun.

它们总被戏称为“早产酒”,意思是把丰收的喜悦酿入酒中。It is a vin de primeur, which means it is bottled the year of its harvest.

对于它的使用第6-8符号的自动识别输入电压或车型。For identification of the machine it is used first 6-8 symbols Vin or model of the car.

部分菲基亚葡萄园是白马庄园所拥有的。此部分葡萄园所出产的葡萄酒,曾被冠以“菲基亚葡萄酒”出售。Part of Figeac's vineyard now owned by Cheval Blance used to be sold as "Vin de Figeac".

好莱坞动作明星凡·戴索,将银幕形象和现实生活的性格进行对比。Hollywood action star Vin Diesel, contrasting on-screen image with his real-life personality.

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HSN在检测前庭不对称方面比VIN和推头试验更敏感。HSN tended to be more sensitive in detecting vestibular asymmetry than VIN and head thrust sign.

我也去了堂弟的婚礼。恭喜你们文跟劳伦。很高兴能见到大家。I also went to my cousin's wedding. Congratulations Vin and Loren. It was great to see everyone.

在VIN下降沿后的延迟时间周期中,脉冲宽度发生器404产生VOUT的下降沿。Pulse width generator 404 generates a falling edge in VOUT a delayed period of time after the falling edge in VIN.

VIN的上升和下降沿通过反相器501-504的时间要比通过反相器505-506的时间要多。Rising and falling edges on VIN take more time to travel through inverters 501-504 than through inverters 505-506.

气味浓厚,而且果味多汁新鲜,这是支可以让男爵感到骄傲的2008年顶级葡萄酒。With a dense, dark nose and juicy, brooding fruit, the 2008 Grand Vin is a wine of which the Baroness can be proud.

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因此,脉冲宽度发生器404在VIN下降沿和随后的VOUT下降沿之间产生延迟。Thus, pulse width generator 404 generates a delay between a falling edge of VIN and a subsequent falling edge of VOUT.

按钮两次,该系统完全关闭,使尾部的演习容易坏葡萄酒柴油机续集。Push the button twice and the system turns off entirely, allowing tail-out maneuvers easier than a bad Vin Diesel sequel.

接下来的工作就是要多试试几种酒,找出最适合做热酒的材料了!In any case, the following task is to try various kind of wines and find out the most suitable one for home-made vin brule !

除了像冯·迪索那样的好莱坞类型,多数带着闪亮铬金色脑袋的男性并不被认为是最性感的男人。With the exception of Hollywood types like Vin Diesel, most guys with shiny chrome domes are not deemed the sexiest man alive.

在动态不平衡中,推头试验、HSN、VIN比热度不对称有较高恢复率的倾向。Among the dynamic imbalances, a trend of higher recovery rate was found in head thrust sign, HSN, and VIN than in caloric asymmetry.

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对于最小输入电压﹐当输入电压大于1.8伏时﹐它会在一定延迟后导通﹔如果输入电压低于1.4伏便截止。For minimum input voltage, it will start to conduct after some delay when Vin is above 1.8V, and stop conduct when Vin is below 1.4V.

阿皮虽然是杂志社领导,但跟阿文相比差了十万八千里,保姆认为阿文比阿皮强一万倍。The skin is head of the magazine, but compared to the vin sent wrongly, nanny think vin is ten thousand times stronger than the skin.

招待会气氛热烈,来宾们排成长队与刘大使交谈,祝贺刘大使履新。The vin d'honneur was held in a warm atmosphere where the guests all queued up for a chat with Ambassador Liu and congratulating him.