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对亲爱的老父亲的严厉指控。A scathing indictment of dear old dad.

Redfield在星期六撰博一篇对此事予以严厉抨击。Redfield blogged a scathing attack on Saturday.

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亚历山大先生对工党的竞选策略发起猛烈进攻。Mr. Alexander launched a scathing attack on Labour's campaign tactics.

但这是一支值得铭记的队伍,非利物浦的球迷们对它怀恨在心。It's worth remembering that non-Liverpool fans were scathing about them.

巴罗佐还严厉批评了环绕谈判所做的官样文章。Barroso was also scathing about the red tape surrounding the negotiations.

我的妻子是个漂亮女人,但嗓门高尖,言语刻薄。My wife is a fine woman, though given to an overly sharp tongue and scathing wit.

我记不起她具体说了些什么,但她对她的弟弟非常严厉。I can’t quite recall her exact words, but she was very scathing about her brother.

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今天,我们来看左翼人士拉尔就这个主题所作的漫画,比较起来,他的漫画可尖刻得多了。Today we examine left-winger Ted Rall's much more scathing cartoon on the same theme.

讽刺的是,弗罗斯特因为个人兴趣放弃了所有的正当理由。What is scathing about it is that Frost gives up all justification for self-interest.

他强烈地嘲讽了那些认为他的疾病会使他放弃无神论的人。He is scathing about those who suggest his illness might lead him to retract his atheism.

它嘲讽了各方的短视、道德上的缺憾和政治上的权宜利己行为。It is scathing about short-sightedness, moral weakness and political expediency on all sides.

仙谷由人在对待日本利用公共资金挽救破产银行的惯常行为方面也非常严厉。Mr Sengoku was also scathing about Japan's habit of using public money to rescue bankrupt firms.

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由人先生还批评日本用公款救助行将倒闭公司的怪癖。Mr Sengoku was also scathing about Japan’s habit of using public money to rescue bankrupt firms.

与传统的强制措施相比,反恐强制措施更为严厉。Compared with traditional criminal coercive measures, the anti-terrorism measures are more scathing.

一位尖刻的反对派政客称梅氏是“总司令普金手下的小人物”。In the words of one scathing opposition politician he was "the Lilliputian to Putin's commander-in-chief.

法官在他的评注中措辞严厉,将两个美国佬的行径描述为昧着良心做事。He was scathing in his remarks about the American co-owners' conduct, which he described as "unconscionable".

她有许多优秀的品质,其中许多都能一眼看出,比方说她雄辩的头脑和尖刻的才智。She has many sterling qualities, some of which were immediately apparent – like her forensic mind and scathing wit.

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许多中国人对他们的官方媒体表示不满,这都缘于中国广泛严格的审查制度。Many Chinese people are scathing in their views of the official media, thanks to the country's extensive censorship.

弗格森去年因为阿三解雇了他的老友阿勒代斯而炮轰布莱克本。Ferguson was scathing in his criticism of Venky's last year when they sacked his close friend Sam Allardyce as manager.

随着时间的推移,这些内向的学生会拒绝参加小组活动,他们害怕来自比他们优秀的同学伤害性的话语。With time, these withdrawn students will stop participating in group work, fearing scathing comments by some of their peers.