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如果是一辆公车,那么这个车是血栓形成的还是栓塞形成的?…And if it is a bus, is that bus thrombotic or embolic?

栓塞剂主要应用无水乙醇、钢圈和明胶海绵。Embolic agents were absolute alcohol, steel ring, or gelfoam.

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血凝块移除可导致栓赛现象,包括脑中风。Dislodgement of clot can lead to embolic phenomena, including stroke.

是否有必要在急诊PCI使用远端血栓保护装置?Is it necessary to use distal embolic protection devices in emergency PCI?

急性多发性皮层下小范围脑梗死是否由栓子机制导致?。Are multiple acute small subcortical infarctions caused by embolic mechanisms?

关键是脑梗死是局灶改变,而脑组织自溶是全脑的弥漫性改变。The key is embolic infarction is a focal change, whereas autolytic change is global and diffuse.

结论主动脉弓粥样硬化是脑栓塞的重要潜在性栓塞源。Conclusions Aortic arch atherosclerosis is an important potential source of cerebral embolic stroke.

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栓塞剂用明胶海绵、弹簧圈、碘化油混合化疗药。The embolic material included gelfoam, spring coil and lipid iodine combined with chemical medicine.

结论KMG为一种使用方便、安全有效、作用持久、可降解的栓塞剂。Conclusion KMG is a convenient, safe and effective, the role of durable, biodegradable embolic agent.

提出了基于小波包分解的血栓超声多普勒信号检测方法。Doppler ultrasound analysis method based on wavelet package transform was proposed for embolic detection.

多平面重建协助诊断了4支原始图像上显示不清的栓塞肺动脉。Multiplanar reconstruction helped in finding 4 embolic arteries which were not evident on the original images.

结论主动脉粥样斑块破溃可能是蓝趾综合征患者动脉栓塞的重要栓子来源。Conclusions Complex aortic atherosclerotic lesions is an important embolic source of peripheral artery embolism.

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已经提出了各种的药物干预和导管为基础的装置,以检索栓塞材料。Various pharmacologic interventions and catheter-based devices to retrieve embolic materials have been proposed.

其余两个病人在栓塞发生后的恢复期,由于其他严重并发展发症而死亡。The other two patients died of other serious concurrent illness after showing sings of recovering their embolic episode.

急性多发性皮层下小范围脑梗死是否由栓子机制导致?。Are multiple acute small subcortical infarctions caused by embolic mechanisms? Chowdhury D. , Wardlaw J. M. , Dennis M. S.

目的分析心脏粘液瘤致栓塞性脑血管病患者的临床特点。Objective To analyse the clinical characteristics of the patients with embolic cerebrovascular disease caused by cardiac myxoma.

考虑对发作时间短于48小时的患者立即进行复律,因为此时发生脑栓塞的危险比较小。Consider immediate cardioversion for patients with AF of less than 48 hours' duration because the risk of embolic stroke is small.

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血管造影显示左颈总动脉的主要分支的栓子阻塞。This angiogram demonstrates an embolic obstruction of a branch of the left common carotid artery just past the first main bifurcation.

脑梗死和脑组织自溶性改变尽管有时难以区别,但是还是能够在H&E切片上辨认出来。Embolic infarction of brain parenchyma can be recognized by H&E, although at times it can be hard to distinguish from autolytic change.

这种影像被认为是由于梗塞的栓子移向远处后坏死脑组织的重新灌注形成的。They are thought to result from the reperfusion of necrotic brain after embolic material has migrated distally from the site of occlusion.