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也许这是潜移默化的缘故吧。Mayde this is what call influence imperceptibly.

冥冥中我俩一个都不能少。Imperceptibly but inexorably, we two could not be one less.

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不知不觉你让我心动,后知后觉你让我心痛。Imperceptibly you let my heart, after you let me heartache.

东西没日没夜地收进来——顺畅、隐秘、不知不觉。Acquisition goes on night and day — smoothly, subtly, imperceptibly.

今天,我在学校里玩不知不觉的就和我的铁哥们李赫就闹上了。Today, my school play the imperceptibly with my buddies, Li He will go.

伴随着每次呼吸,用这种方法躯干极微地振荡与伸展。In this way the torso oscillates and lengthens almost imperceptibly with the breath.

然而,它们又是以不知不觉的渐进方式和极度震撼的快速方式同时发生着。But it's all happening in ways that are both imperceptibly gradual and shockingly fast.

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臀部略斜,丰满,必须延伸到非常轻微的尾根。Croup must be full, slightly sloping, and must continue imperceptibly to the tail root.

就这样我们不知不觉爬到山顶,还在庙里许了愿。We have thus imperceptibly climb to the top of the hill, the temple is still made a wish.

唇角不知不觉勾了起来,倒是把旁边的诸葛锦旭给吓到了。The lips Cape imperceptibly hanged up and poured is flank of various Ge brocade Xu to scare.

在这个过程中,我们不知不觉地提高了我们用词能力和写作技巧。In the process, we have improved our ability of using words and writing skills imperceptibly.

让学生无形中陷入了性格、个性血统论的条条框框。Let the student fall into the disposition, the individuality bloodline-ism rules imperceptibly.

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潜在课程是学生潜移默化、无声无息获得的主要是非学术性经验。Hidden curriculum is the non-academic experience that students obtain silently and imperceptibly.

河的左岸平坦而多沼泽,渐渐地向内陆平缓地高升上去。On the left bank, the ground, which was flat and marshy, rose imperceptibly towards the interior.

最后那个命令刚下达完,所有的帆就都收了下来,船在凭借惯性向前滑行,几乎觉不到是在向前移动了。At this last command all the sails were lowered, and the vessel moved almost imperceptibly onwards.

她高贵而平静地坐在那里,但几乎不被察觉地,用右手做了一个快速的手势。She sat calmly and with dignity , but , almost imperceptibly , she made a quick motion with her right hand.

它的传播信息的隐蔽化,提供了大量的暗示性信息,对游戏者产生潜移默化地影响。The large number of suggestive information provided by its concealment influences the player imperceptibly.

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在经过一季季的缓慢增长后,从某些程度说,经济又回落了。After inching along imperceptibly for quarter after quarter, the economy is, by some measures, roaring back.

我自问著,但答案也一直是一团空气似的,大概不知不觉中自然发生的吧!I ask myself Zhao, but the answer have been one regiment air as well, probably imperceptibly abiogenesis of!

除了可以赚钱外,还可以在这混浊的环境中把很多不快乐不知不觉中发泄出去。In addition to can make money, also in this turbid environment and make many unhappy imperceptibly to vent out.