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殡葬雅语是一个主要组分它。Funerary euphemism is an important component of it.

这个古墓里出土了很多精美的随葬品。Many exquisite funerary objects were extracted from this grave.

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买地券作为一种随葬明器,是非常宝贵的碑刻材料。As funerary objects, "Title deed" is a precious tombstone material.

一个紫色棺材的珐琅全息效果,用裹尸布将生者封入戒指内。A funerary purple hologram effect enamel, encapsulating the shrouded living corpse.

一顶用金叶子围成的、装饰得特别华丽的花冠被发现精心装于一个骨灰盒里。Ornate gold leaves woven into a wreath and carefully tucked into a funerary vessel.

清明节那天我们在墓园里墓祭了烈士们的英灵。On the Pure Brightness, we held a memorial service for martyrs in the funerary park.

考古人员研究后表示,这对耳环曾是色雷斯人的陪葬品。New unearthed Archaeological research, said after the earrings was Thracian funerary.

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简文内容为遣策,详尽地记载了墓中的随葬器物。Chien-Wen content removal policy, detailed account of the tomb of the funerary objects.

皇南大冢的独特之处在于夫人墓里的陪葬品的品位更高。Queen of the South mound is unique in his tomb in the funerary goods of a higher grade.

从随葬的陶纺轮初步判断,墓主人倾向于为女性。Funerary pottery spinning from the initial round of judging, the owner who tend to women.

作为夫妇合葬墓,这里出土了超过3万件的文物和黄金陪葬品。He Zangmu as a couple, here unearthed more than 30,000 artifacts and gold funerary goods.

一座女孩土坑墓中随葬品精致丰富,表明当时对女孩的爱重。A funerary objects in the tomb pit girls exquisite rich, that was heavy on the girl's love.

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家庭需要儿子来传宗接代,继承财产以及养老送终的职责。Families wanted a son to bear the family name, to inherit property and to carry out funerary duties.

图坦卡蒙墓穴中较小的木乃伊胎儿被放置在镀金棺材中,同时陪葬的还有面罩。A gilded coffin and funerary mask adorned the smaller of two mummified female fetuses buried with King Tut.

斯尼布身兼数职,他既是宫殿建设工程的监工,又是王室戏装保管的负责人,还是主持法老胡夫葬礼和祭祀的牧师。He was the overseer of the palace dwarfs, the chief of the royal wardrobe and priest of the funerary cults of Khufu.

其中M20为斜坡墓道土洞墓,出土随葬器物主要有铜器和铁器。Of the tombs, the one coded M20is a catacomb led to by a ramp. The funerary objects include mainly bronze and iron ones.

“伊希斯的血液”含义更不明显但常常用于葬礼上由红石头和玻璃制成的护身符。The meaning of "the blood of Isis" is more obscured but it was often used as a funerary amulet made of a red stone or glass.

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各墓规模和随葬品差别很小,但女子随葬品略多于男子。The scale of the tombs and funerary objects difference is very small, but the woman funerary objects slightly more than men.

古埃及的象征,十几岁的法老王陪葬,这个不朽的面具使用黄金,玻璃和宝石的制作。Icon of ancient Egypt, the teenage pharaoh's funerary mask immortalizes his features in gold, glass, and semiprecious stones.

他表示这具木乃伊将被暂时移走以便进行CT扫描,因为在包裹遗体用的布条中可能藏有葬礼时使用的护身符。He said the mummy would be temporarily removed for a CT scan because there may be funerary amulets hidden among the wrappings.