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她不断地小声咯咯笑,发现了“鳞茎宝宝”“鳞茎幼儿”还有“鳞茎爸爸妈妈”,后者紧紧相拥。She discovered "baby bulbs", "kiddie bulbs", and "mummy and daddy bulbs", the latter snuggling cozily together.

她还发现了“球茎宝宝”、“球茎娃娃”和紧紧依偎在一起的“球茎爸爸和球茎妈妈”。She discovered "baby bulbs" and "kiddie bulbs" and "mummy and daddy bulbs"—the latter snuggling cozily together.

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她发现了“球茎宝宝”,“球茎娃娃”和温情拥抱在一起的“球茎花爸爸妈妈”。She discovered "baby bulbs" and "kiddie bulbs" and "mummy and daddy bulbs" --- the latter snuggling cozily together.

您会欣赏现场表演和展示,船上电影院,游泳池,小童乘车,还有更多的巡航导弹。You will enjoy live performances and displays, on-board movie theatres, pool, kiddie rides and many more in the cruise.

这些狗粮都被放进一个如孩童游泳池般大小的巨碗里,用铁铲搅拌后再放到木制的饲料槽中。The dogs food is hand mixed with a shovel in a gigantic, kiddie pool-sized bowl and then transfered into wooden troughs.

我们也是在向您的孩子销售。这就是我们为什么将彩伞样的颗粒食品和其他的小山羊猫薄荷放在他们眼睛能看到的范围内的原因。We're marketing to your kids too. That's why we put the rainbow-colored cereals and other kiddie catnip at their eye level.

事实上在搬来佛罗里达州之前,我和丈夫就为三个孩子买了个小泳池让他们享受他们的第一个夏天。In fact, before my husband and I moved to Florida, we bought a kiddie pool for the triplets to enjoy during their first summer.

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粉丝中,还包括了来自越南的Kiddie。22岁的她,特地从越南飞来新加坡,明天也将追随偶像,一同飞到马来西亚。Among the fans, there are fans from Vietnam, Kiddie. 22years old Kiddie flew to Singapore and will follow Min Ho to Malaysia tomorrow.

我试图在网上找到最适合三个宝宝的泳池,他们在夏天中段就要过一周岁生日了。I spent awhile online trying to decide what would be the best kiddie pool for three babies who would turn 1-year old midway through the summer.

你带着巧克力奶和零食包很圆润的滚到了小班,第二年,带着你的玩具袋进到了幼儿园。You start schooling by rolling into pre-school with your chocolate milk and snack pack. The next year, you bring your kiddie backpack to kindergarten.

它的低学习门槛让很多人都称它为学前脚本语言,它另外一个让人嘲笑的东西是动态语言的概念是偏偏使用了高标准的静态数据类型。The low barrier of entry leads some people to call it a script kiddie language, others scoff at the concept of a dynamic language while riding their statically typed high horse.