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这部书的灵感源于一个真实的人,名叫塔玛拉。The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara.

在这里我们要介绍一项由博客读者塔玛拉提供的“不插电”游戏。Here is an Unplugged Project sent in by blog reader Tamara.

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塔玛拉·基思报道,谈判还在继续。But as NPR's Tamara Keith reports negotiations are continuing.

泰玛拉和菲尔计划为他们的女儿开一个庆生会。Tamara and Phil are planning a birthday party for their daughter.

让我告诉你一个小东西。你不知道他们叫我塔玛拉?Let me show you a little something. don't you know they call me Tamara?

一个由爱德华é塔玛拉Barile非常有吸引力的网站从圣保罗,巴西。A very attractive site by Eduardo e Tamara Barile from São Paulo, Brazil.

然而,塔玛拉坚持认为她的真人秀将不同于其他的富豪真人秀。Yet Tamara insists her show will be nothing like the other rich reality shows.

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塔玛拉·凯西从位于华盛顿大街的国家公共电台总局跑到国家广场。Tamara Keith runs from NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C., to the National Mall.

中士TamaraSullivan拔出她的手机充电器,擦干了流了一夜的眼泪。Sgt.Tamara Sullivan pulled out her cellphone charger and braced for a night oftears.

现在,Tamara知道如何在网上冲浪,找到最好的度假旅游的交易,并且,她无需再麻烦她的孩子。Now Tamara knows how to surf the web to find the best deal on vacation tours, and she doesn’t have to bother her children anymore.

特方欢迎中方在港口、工业园区、宽带和绿色能源等领域来特投资。The TT side would welcome Chinese investment in the ports, Tamara industrial park, broadband internet, green energy and other areas.

的英国版编辑塔玛拉•梅隆成了周仰杰制鞋生意的合作伙伴,他们一起开了第一家工厂和第一间精品店。Tamara Mellon, an editor of the UK Vogue became the partner of Choo in shoe business and they opened their first factory and boutique.

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参议院继续讨论其预算方案。预计本周或是周末将进行投票。NPR新闻,塔玛拉·基思国会山报道。Debate continues in the Senate on its budget. A vote is expected some time this week or maybe weekend. Tamara Keith, NPR News, the Capitol.

拿下这项三百五十公尺赛跑冠军的是今年二十五岁、来自费南戴尔镇的泰玛拉.鲁本。她跑得相当轻松顺畅,让人以为她是穿著球鞋在跑。Tamara Ruben, 25, from the town of Veenendaal, won first prize in the 350m race. She ran so smoothly you might think she was wearing sneakers.

这个声明上的数字是一笔大的支出,但政府似乎没有钱。The draft envisions a big increase, but it seems the government does not have such money, " one victim, Tamara Tikhonova, 68, told Associated Press."

杜克大学人体工学主任塔马拉•詹姆斯告诉那些把笔记本电脑带到课堂上的学生们说,把电脑放在一个两、三英寸高的活页夹上也会达到同样的效果。Tamara James, ergonomics director at Duke University, tells students who bring laptops to class that setting them on a two- or three-inch binder will have the same effect.

杜克大学人体工学主任塔马拉•詹姆斯告诉那些把笔记本电脑带到课堂上的学生们说,把电脑放在一个两、三英寸高的活页夹上也会达到同样的效果。Tamara James, ergonomics director at Duke University, tells students who bring laptops to class that setting them on a two- or three-inch binder will have the same effect.Mr.

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艾迪特·卡茨博士和阿维·卡普兰以及该校教育学专业博士生塔玛拉建议家长们给孩子们多一些选择,比如何时写作业以及在哪里写作业。Dr.Idit Katz, Dr.Avi Kaplan and doctoral student Tamara Buzukashvily, of BGU's Department of Education, recommend parents give their children some choices, including when or where to do homework.

上月,公爵把他的大女儿塔玛拉。格罗夫纳嫁了出去,婚礼在切斯特大教堂举行,观礼宾客中有女皇和其他几名皇室成员。Last month, Duke of his eldest daughter Tamara . Geluofuna off the out, the wedding was held in Chester Cathedral, the reviewing stand with the Queen and other guests several royal family members.

艾迪特·卡茨博士和阿维·卡普兰以及该校教育学专业博士生塔玛拉建议家长们给孩子们多一些选择,比如何时写作业以及在哪里写作业。Dr. Idit Katz, Dr. Avi Kaplan and doctoral student Tamara Buzukashvily, of BGU's Department of Education, recommend parents give their children some choices, including when or where to do homework.