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实际上,当局对此的态度似乎相当矛盾。In fact, the state’s attitude seems ambivalent.

我和邦迪多年来有着好恶参半的关系。Bungy and I had an ambivalent relationship over years.

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我和邦迪多年来有着好恶参半的关系。Bungy and I had had an ambivalent relationship over years.

很多人对那新推出的政策忧喜参半。Many people feel ambivalent about the newly-introduced policy.

说到爱情,我们对异性相吸怀有矛盾的看法。When it comes to love, we're ambivalent about "opposites attract".

这两个家庭解释了我为何对于在家上学是如此矛盾。Those two families explain why I'm so ambivalent about homeschooling.

美国人对情报工作有种爱恨交织态度。Americans have always had an ambivalent attitude toward intelligence.

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即使你感到很矛盾,你也只需表明你的愿望和决心。Just state your wish and resolve, even if you feel ambivalent about it.

镜面对称所产生的关于爱与恨的双面效应就更让人觉得迷糊了。Even more ambivalent is this mirror-symmetric ambigram of love and hate.

因为法西斯分子胜利了,西班牙内战也许是一个令我们倍感矛盾的例子。Perhaps Spain is an ambivalent example because of the victory of fascism.

史格已经升华到了一种优雅的魔鬼状态,这是生活在矛盾中的普罗大众永远无法体会的一种状态。Chigurh has achieved an evil state of grace that the ambivalent masses will never know.

郭耀章今年63岁,他的孙子在洛龙小学读书,他说的显得比较矛盾。Guo Yuozhang, 63, whose grandson attends the Loulong school, said he was more ambivalent.

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“当困难来临时,它会使我们陷入矛盾,更容易产生放弃的念头,”她在书中如是写到。"It makes us ambivalent and more vulnerable to giving up when problems occur, " she writes.

中国政府对于将人民币作为跨境投资工具上仍含糊不定。China's government remains deeply ambivalent about the redback's role in cross-border investment.

中国政府对人民币在跨境投资中所扮演的角色仍然有着模糊的定位。China’s government remains deeply ambivalent about the redback’s role in cross-border investment.

莉莉对自身社会地位的矛盾反应促使本文对女性双重身份这一问题进行探讨。A close study of her ambivalent attitude toward her role in the society reveals Lily's double selves.

此外,大多数自杀未遂者是矛盾的,并非完全蓄意死亡。In addition, a majority of people who attempt suicide are ambivalent and not entirely intent on dying.

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对这类事情我有种模凌两可的感觉,就如我不太喜欢随便什么小错就发红牌。I have a very ambivalent attitude to those type of things, as I'm not a great lover of red cards for petty offences.

其次是误读的现代性资源,即中国现代知识界对西方现代性的误读、误植与误用。The Chinese intelligentsia misreads, misplaces and misuses the western modernity. Third, its modernity is ambivalent.

苏哈拖优柔寡断与左右摇摆、意在企图化解经济危机的相关政策,也是促成暴动的因素。Suharto's indecisive and ambivalent policies, in trying to resolve the economic crisis, also contributed to the riots.