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火鸟没有排序规则简体版?。Firebird don't have Collate for GB2312?

是我第一次看到表哥托尼的崭新的“火鸟”车。And the first time I saw my cousin Tony's brand new Firebird.

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他向公主展示着他刚刚得到的珍宝——火鸟。He shows her his prized possession, the newly captured Firebird.

请考虑短期的名单火鸟大师的特点如下。Please consider the short list of Firebird Maestro features below.

他按照火鸟告诉他的那样,把羽毛高高地举在空中挥动。He retrieves it and waves it high in the air as the Firebird told him to do.

王子和公主,还有所有那些少女们在火鸟的指引下奔向了新的黎明。The Prince and Princess and all the maidens are drawn toward the Firebird and the new dawn.

此外,HNRe2网络还可用于远程控制火鸟飞机及其ISR载荷设备。In addition, the HNRe2 network was used to remotely control the Firebird aircraft and its ISR payload devices.

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Firebird基于开源Interbase6.0,它是Borland公司2000年发布的一个开源版本。Firebird is based on the source code of InterBase 6.0 that was released as Open Source by Borland in August 2000.

获取关于吉布森火鸟工作室吉他绝对最优惠的价格和您的所有吉布森电吉他和弦乐器,在音乐的朋友的需要。Lowest price guarantee your door. Find Gibson Firebird V Series Electric Guitar Case and other music gear lowest price!

宁静又一次到来,火鸟盘旋在已经恍惚沉睡的恶魔上空。Calm is brought upon everyone and the Firebird hovers over the hushed demons causing them to fall into a trance-like sleep.

他知道火鸟即将解除附在他们身上的咒语,让他们的灵魂重新回到他们身体里,使他们获得重生。He knows the Firebird will soon remove the spell he has put upon them and return their souls bringing them back to true life.

获取关于吉布森火鸟工作室吉他绝对最优惠的价格和您的所有吉布森电吉他和弦乐器,在音乐的朋友的需要。Get "the" guitar Gibson Firebird Studio absolutely the best price and all your Gibson electric guitar and strings, and a friend in the music needs.

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1968年庞蒂克火鸟的信息,1968年庞蒂克火鸟规格,1968年庞蒂克火鸟的资源,1968年庞蒂克火鸟的图片,1968年庞蒂克火鸟照片。Pontiac Firebird 1968 "information, " specifications Pontiac Firebird 1968.1968 Pontiac Firebird resources, "Pontiac" Firebird photos 1968.1968 Ponte g Firebird pictures.

火鸟项目的主管里克克鲁克斯称,火鸟飞机的通用接口使这一切成为可能。"Firebird's universal interface is what makes this all possible," said Rick Crooks, director of special projects and Firebird program manager for Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems.