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谁可能受伤害?Who could be harmed?

我可从未错待过他们。I've never harmed them.

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你一生从来没有伤害过我。You never harmed me in your life.

他的一番话伤害了她的感情。Her feelings were harmed by his words.

她原谅了所有曾羟伤害过她的人。She forgave all those who had harmed her.

机动车买卖和车辆修理业也将受损。The motor and garage trades will be harmed.

在风暴中我们的房子未受一点损坏。Our house wasn't harmed at all in the storm.

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该死的伊云飞,你害死我了!Yi cloud of damning flies, you harmed to die me!

很多耐寒植物都可能受到霜冻的危害。Many cold-tolerant plants can be harmed by frost.

其实,我是个温和的家伙,连只苍蝇都没伤过。Actually, I'm a gentle fellow. Never harmed a fly.

我不会看着别人受到伤害而袖手旁观。I wouldn't sit aside when somebody's being harmed.

许多耐寒植物会受到霜冻的侵害。Many cold- tolerant plants can be harmed by frost.

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相比而言,在尼日利亚被绑架的人质很少受到伤害。In Nigeria, by contrast, hostages are rarely harmed.

警报声损害了典礼迷人的和谐.The alarm harmed the charming harmony of the ceremony.

网捕伤到的除了常见的鸟类外,亦会伤到迁徙的鹤。Bsides smaller birds, cranes are also seen harmed by nets.

很抱歉,我们运往你处的货物遭到了损坏。We're sorry the things we boated to your area were harmed.

他有些玩世不恭,就算受到伤害的是他自己。He has a blas é attitude, even when it's him who is harmed.

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他说,如果他们投降,这些德克萨斯人就不会受到伤害。He said the Texans would not be harmed if they surrendered.

这街尚罚生了交通事故,但没有人受伤。There was a traffic accident in this but no one was harmed.

我让受伤的陪审团确信一笔有把握的保崄得到的确保。I guarantee the harmed jury that a sure insurance is assured.