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我们没有识别力。We have no discrimination.

Viveka意味着歧视。Viveka means discrimination.

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鄙视老人是一种歧视。Ageism is a form of discrimination.

同位素甄别是不可能的。Isotopic discrimination is not likely.

看来歧视的确存在。There is an appearance of discrimination.

在交友方面他有辨别力。He has the discrimination in making friends.

在选酒方面,他有很强的鉴别能力。He shows fine discrimination in choosing wines.

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因此他遭受了很多不堪忍受的歧视。Thus he underwent much unbearable discrimination.

有时候,偏见才是联系的要害。Sometimes discrimination is the key to connection.

我们应注意对同义词的辨析。We should pay attention to synonym discrimination.

他公开表示反对种族歧视。He went on record as opposing racial discrimination.

贪婪,歧视和庸俗没有灵魂。The greed, discrimination and vulgarism are not souls.

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但要是真的有性别歧视存在又会怎么样呢?But what if gender discrimination is in fact happening?

不允许任何岐视及骚扰。Never tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.

有些被采访者说他们受到了歧视。Some interviewees say they have suffered discrimination.

当我问起有关性别歧视的问题时,她们都显得很淡定。They looked blank when I asked about sex discrimination.

吉普赛人可谓是经历了各种歧视和磨难。Gypsies have endured almost every form of discrimination.

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她说,此类歧视是在越南生活所要面对的一个现实。She says such discrimination is a fact of life in Vietnam.

无种族歧视的社会一直是我奋斗的目标。There is no racial discrimination to be felt in this city.

甘地为反对种族岐视而进行了艰苦的斗争。Gandhi tried hard to struggle against racial discrimination.