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让我们先假定他赢得这场比赛。Let us presuppose that he wins the game.

不假设你们之前学过任何哲学。It does not presuppose any background in philosophy.

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首先,我们甚至不能预设它的可能性。At first we must not presuppose even its possibility.

这两样是互补的,单独都无法成立。These are complementary concerns and presuppose each other.

你所有论点的前提都是他是一个理性而聪明的人。All your arguments presuppose that he's a rational, intelligent man.

这些计划是预先假定银行会愿意借钱给我们而制定的。All these plans presuppose that the bank will be willing to lend us the money.

教师有时候假定学生的知识水平相当高。Teachers sometimes presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge by the students.

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假设其余所有人都是你的一部分,就像你的梦中人物一样。Presuppose everyone else is a part of you, just like one of your own dream characters.

各分公司的科学是假定,并确认二元鉴于普通常识。All branches of science thus presuppose and confirm the dualistic view of common sense.

所有这些行为都预先假定他们缺少什么,他们是渺小且无助的。All of these actions presuppose they are lacking something, that they are small and helpless.

可是,上帝若自我启示的话,我们就可以在我们的延伸和否定中预设这启示了。However, if God reveals himself, then we can presuppose that revelation in our extrapolations and negations.

但这些答案的前提是别人知道您卖什么产品、谈论什么问题或支持什么。But all of those answers presuppose someone knows what the heck you're selling, or talking about, or endorsing.

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要求一个初学的人具有和声学和对位法方面的知识是不现实的。It is unrealistic to presuppose a sophisticated knowledge of harmony and counterpoint in a beginning music student.

但今天我还会指出,在很多地方,这些信都简单假设了,早期基督教的不同阶段。As I'll show today there are a lot of ways of seeing that these letters simply presuppose a different stage in early Christianity.

生和死是生理上的概念,了解它们要以了解像呼吸、血循环和消化等生理过程为前提。These are biological concepts which presuppose an understanding of internal biological processes like respiration, blood flow and digestion.

在另一方面,至少有很多通道,在最后一部分,这显然无误地回顾和假定诗在第一。On the other hand, there are at least as many passages in the last part which clearly and unmistakably look back to and presuppose verses in the first.

结果表明,该方法不要求预先假定接近最优解的初始参数值,且比传统优化方法有效。The result shows that it does not demand to presuppose the initial parameters near optimal solution and it is more efficiency than the conventional optimization method.

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“正义”的形上含义是人类对宇宙秩序、城邦各社会等级及个人灵魂各个部分之间“应当”和谐的一种预设方式。Justice has its metaphysical meaning, it is a means to presuppose the "should-be" harmonious relationships among the order of cosmos, polis's class and human beings' spirit.

如果人们去看一个治疗师,心理医生或疗愈者,他们会默认这些专家有着一些更高级的知识或技能能帮助他们解决他们的问题。If people see a therapist, psychologist or a healer, they silently presuppose that these experts have some superior knowledge or skill which can help them solve their issues.

替代性旅游的核心是它的规划设计必须建立在保护当地生态环境的前提基础上,旅游的生态原则是贯穿各种产品链的主线。Alternative tourism planning and design must presuppose preserving regional ecology system, and ecological planning and design should be key principle in all tourism products.