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让我更大度豁达一点。Let me be a little blinder.

我想我父母大概瞎了眼!I think parents put a blinder over their faces.

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布林德则认为,如果联邦储备委员会和债券市场看好我们,我们的计划也许可行。Blinder said it might work if the Fed and the bond market believed us.

成功常常是成功者最大的桎桍,即使这位成功者是比尔.盖茨。But there is no greater blinder than success, even for a visionary like Bill Gates.

因为我们都像盲不见物的人——不对,我们的视力远远比不上那个坐在轮椅里的盲人。Because we are just as blind—no, a thousand times blinder than that old man in the wheelchair.

布兰德尔是另一本畅销本科教材的作者之一,他现在正着力修订这本书。Mr Blinder is one of the authors of another popular undergraduate textbook, which he is now revising.

“你不能期望他永远不说话。”布林德说。有关国家政策的预言是“他不能跨越的界限”。"You can't expect him to stay mum forever. " Blinder says. Prognosticating about Fed policy is "the line he doesn't want to cross.

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布林德认为,由于前几年削减赤字的许诺都未能实现,债券市场做出强烈反应的可能性不大。Blinder thought that after so many false promises on deficit reduction over the last few years, a strong positive response by the bond market was unlikely.

布林德完全理解全球自由贸易所能带来的利益,但是他担心新一轮的工作外包海外的浪潮来得如此迅猛,西方社会很难适应这种局面。Blinder understands the benefits of free trade but worries that the new wave of offshoring is so big and fast that Western societies will have difficulty adjusting.

泰森和布林德的意见似乎是,为了经济长期的健康发展,我们必须削减赤字,但这么做会在短期内放慢经济增长速度。Tyson and Blinder seemed to be saying that, for the long-term health of the economy, we had to cut the deficit, but that doing so would slow down growth in the short term.

通过级进模在工作时弹压板发生倾斜的现象,介绍了倾斜的产生是由于冲压开始时带料的厚度引起,详细分析了倾斜的影响程度,提出了增设支承的预防措施,给出了模具结构简化方案。According to slant phenomenon of spring blinder plate when progressive die was working, the cause that engendered the slant was the thickness of ribbon during pressing begun was introduced.

不过,在讨论我们需要削减多少赤字的时候,我也担心会出现劳拉.泰森和艾伦.布林德所预测的——同时也是罗杰.奥尔特曼和吉恩.斯珀林所害怕的——短期经济发展停滞不前。But, as we discussed how much deficit reduction we needed, I was concerned about the short-term drag that Laura Tyson and Alan Blinder predicted—and Roger Altman and Gene Sperling feared—might occur.