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猫熊是濒临绝种的一种物种。Pandas are an endangered species.

鹬鸵是濒危物种,它不会飞行。Kiwi are endangered and cannot fly.

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他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害。His health is endangered by overwork.

我们需要保护濒临绝种动物。We need to protect endangered species.

濒危的国家重见曙光。The endangered state multiplex to dawn.

黑猩猩是濒于灭种的动物。The chimpanzee is an endangered species.

地球上最濒危的大猫极可能登上第二的榜单。Earth's most endangered cat could be next.

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民间美术处于后继无人的濒危状态。Folk Art is in a endangered state of no heir.

吃壮阳药有什么危害?Eat Zhuang Yang medicine what to is endangered?

首先,我们不能捕猎濒危动物。For starters, let’s not hunt endangered animals.

白鹤是所有鹤类中最接近灭绝的。Siberians are the most endangered of all cranes.

大笨象不再是濒临灭绝的物种。B. Elephants are no longer an endangered species.

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黑面琵鹭是濒临绝种的品种。Black-faced spoonbills are an endangered species.

所有这些大猿目前都被认为是濒危物种。All of the big apes are now considered endangered.

结果,他死了,他的家人也几乎被赶尽杀绝。As a result, he ended up dead, with his family endangered.

如何保护濒危物种是一个涉及到多方面因素的问题。How to protect endangered species is a multi-faceted issue.

东部美洲狮在1973年首次被列为濒危物种。It was first placed on the endangered species list in 1973.

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用什么措施来鼓励濒危物种的繁殖呢?What does it take to encourage endangered species to breed?

这些在蒙古和中国沙漠上的定居者正面临灭绝的危险。The residents of deserts of Mongolia and China is endangered.

沙地云杉是中国的珍稀濒危树种。Picea mongolica is an endemic and endangered species in China.