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我的JJ石更了,而且我穿的是很宽松的裤子。I was wearing pants and had an erection.

你看这项安装使命如何?Whin do you think of this erection work?

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你看这项安装工作如何?Whin the do you think of this erection work?

你看这项安装任务如何?Whover at do you think of this erection work?

独竖一帜,自行其道!Erection of a independence flag, its own Road!

梁支撑在塔柱上的一个施工托架上。The girder is braced against an erection bracket.

我们投标建一座大楼。We bid for the erection of a multistory building.

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阴茎勃起无需大脑参与Erection of the penis can be done without a brain.

架设这个框架只需几分钟。The erection of this framework took only a few minutes.

用于搭设临时的观礼台和看台。For the erection of temporary viewing stand and bleachers.

塔架安装需用起重量达1000吨的吊机。Erection of the pylon required a crane of 1000 ton capacity.

我们应派一个人去监督机器的安装。We should send a man to superintend the erection of machinery.

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天线的架设、撤收自动完成,快速、安全、隐蔽。The erection and withdrawal auto-complete fast, safely and snugly.

根据现场实际换工况用于大件设备的安装和卸车工作。Employed in erection of other heavy equipments and unloading works.

制造公司完全职掌齐备安装工程的行政管理。The construction company is fully in charge of the liquid of ingl erection work.

委员会已经批准了建造一个新的公共图书馆的计划。The council has now approved the scheme for the erection of a new public library.

指导者间接的指导导致整流器的错误安装。The director’s indirect direction led to the incorrect erection of the rectifier.

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阐述了CEMS的组成、原理、安装及使用。This paper expounds the components, principles, erection and application of CEMS.

设备安装将根传闻明书和图纸举办。Erection of the equipment will getting carried out good specificines and drawings.

建树公司完全肩负完全安装工程的行政管理。The construction company is fully in charge of the software of ingl erection work.