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不要自作聪明地提供解决办法。Don’t try to offer brainy solutions.

一是住得离别的聪明人很近。One is to live near other brainy changeophiles.

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那么为什么海豚的智商进化到如此之高呢?Why then did dolphins evolve to become so brainy?

每年都有大批有头脑的女性从学校毕业进入社会。Lots of brainy female graduates enter the job market each year.

这只鸟儿够聪明,用嘴叨针缝衣衫!The brainy bird can stitch, pick up a pin and thread it through fabric.

这只颇有头脑的食蚁兽超爱吃蚂蚁!他的鼻子总是遇到大麻烦。This brainy anteater loves to eat ants! He's always getting his nose intro trouble.

“笨鸟”的说法已经过时了,她说,而应该被称作“聪明的鸟”。The term "birdbrain, " is obsolete, she said, and should be replaced by "brainy birds.

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TED单枪匹马地使得这类思想类访谈节目变成流行现象。The TED Talks program single-handedly popularized the phenomenon of brainy programming.

如果一位有头脑的物理学家喜欢设计滑冰鞋,你会怎么想?If it was revealed that a brainy physicist likes to figure skate, what would that tell you?

一项研究表明,聪明的女性很难获得高潮,因为她们太忙于思考了。BRAINY babes find it harder to have an orgasm – because they are too busy thinking, a study claims.

这位聪明的海军学院学员对木星四号火箭目瞪口呆,就是那种带着阿波罗宇航员到月亮的火箭。The brainy midshipman gaped at a Saturn V rocket, the kind that took Apollo astronauts to the moon.

但是如果我们是那么足智多谋的自由思想者,为什么每个人都那么强烈的受推销的影响?But if we are such brainy free thinkers, how come everyone is so painfully susceptible to marketing?

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一名非常聪明的女孩在找工作失败后,因觉得“羞辱和尴尬”而自杀。A brainy girl killed herself after feeling "humiliated and embarrassed" at being unable to get a job.

而且格伦可是个全球变暖方面的专家,可能会和谢耳朵一样聪明。For one, Glenn is a professor with an expertise in global warming and may be just as brainy as Sheldon.

一名非常聪明的女孩在找工作失败后,因觉得“羞辱和尴尬”而自杀。A brainy girl killed herself after feeling " humiliated and embarrassed" at being unable to get a job.

艾里克·诺克斯英俊、智慧,是诺克斯科技公司的创始人。他刚刚在自己的办公室被人绑架。Eric Knox , the handsome, brainy founder of Knox Technologies, has just been kidnapped from his own office.

很烧脑,也很刺激,平衡了幻想、剧情和令人迷惑的哲思——“人类啊,到底谁才是真正的机器人?。It's brainy and thrilling, balancing fantasy, drama, and trippy "Who's the real automaton, man? " philosophizing.

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米勒博士和他的追随者们相信,人类之所以变得如此聪明,性选择过程就是其原因。This process of sexual selection, Dr Miller and his followers believe, is the reason people have become so brainy.

一个少有的关于知识产权的公众通气会给了比尔盖茨征服世界的决心。It was a rare public airing of the sense of brainy entitlement that emboldened Mr Gates to get the world to yield to his will.

五子棋是世界上最流行的纯策略型棋类游戏,是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。Try Gomoku, one of the most popular strategic games for 2 players. Prove how brainy you are and win in different difficulty levels.