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误食请立即联系医生。In case of ingestion contact doctor immediately.

氟中毒是由于摄入过量氟引起的。Excess ingestion of fluoride can cause Fluorosis.

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故主食摄取不足可能对记忆力造成损害。Insufficient ingestion of staple food may thus impair memory.

我们的消化系统是可以平静的接受一些细菌的。The body can take quite a bit of other bacteria in our ingestion.

就医急诊。本品误食后有微毒,损害呼吸道。This product is slightly toxic by ingestion and an aspiration hazard.

粒子形成的软胶囊内是正常的,溶解后服用。Particle formation inside softgel is normal and dissolves after ingestion.

穿戴呼吸面具和防护用品可以防止摄入放射性微粒Wearing masks and respirators prevent the ingestion of radioactive particles.

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摄取或故意吸入溶剂蒸汽可能有害甚至致命。Ingestion or intentional inhalation of solvent vapors can be harmful or fatal.

应该切除包囊并予以销毁,以防止被最终宿主食入。Cysts should be excised and sterilized to avoid ingestion by the definitive host.

甲型肝炎和戊型肝炎通常是因摄入受污染的食物或水造成的。Hepatitis A and E are typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water.

在典型的摄入场景中,您会有大量的数据源要处理。In typical ingestion scenarios, you will have a number of data sources to process.

当病毒被幼虫摄入后,病毒扩散到中肠并被释放出来。After ingestion by the larvae viruses are dissolved in the midgut and are released.

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另一种相对较少的途径是通过直接食用被感染的卵囊。A less common method of acquisition is through direct ingestion of infective oocysts.

为了预防这些疾病,酸碱性的平衡摄取就非常重要了。In order to prevent these illness sickness, the acid-base balanced ingestion was important.

它一般通过是通过烟或直接摄取来吸食的,对精神和生理都有一定的作用。It has psychoactive and physiological effects when consumed, usually by smoking or ingestion.

此脚本可以是在我们将数据块传递给管道进行数据摄入之前需要的任何内容。This script can be anything we want before the chunk is passed to the pipelines for ingestion.

在摄取带鰆鱼肉跟骨头内的油脂后,引起腹洩的形式。Takes the form of diarrhoea following ingestion of the oil in the flesh and bones of gempylids.

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食粪症是犬只摄食犬类粪便或其他动物粪便的一种行为异常。Coprophagia is the ingestion by a dog of feces, either its own or those of another dog or animal.

维生素A是脂溶性的,所以长期采食不可消化的油质可导致缺乏症。Vitamin A is fat soluble so deficiencies can occur with long term ingestion of non-digestible oils.

中毒控制中心每年报告的这类误食“纽扣”式电池的案例约3,500起。About 3, 500 cases of button cell battery ingestion are reported annually to poison control centers.