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我想去买套滑雪服。I want to get a ski suit.

沙斯塔滑雪场滑雪区。Shasta Ski Resort ski area.

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冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。In the winter we ski and skate.

澳大利亚因斯布鲁克的一个滑雪跳台。A ski jump in Innsbruck, Austria.

我想要穿上滑雪服了。I wish the ski lodge served this!

Dalarna最长的滑雪坡道。The longest ski slope in Dalarna.

你在哪里找到我的滑雪束发带?Where did you find my ski headband?

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我喜欢红色的滑雪靴。I like the ski boots with red color.

滑雪运动太昂贵。The ski activities are too expensive.

你从山上往下滑雪时,要屈着膝。Bend at the knee when you ski downhill.

嘿,朱蒂,周末的滑雪怎么样啊?Hey, Judi, how did your ski weekend go?

停下,座着,等雪场巡逻车。Stop, sit, and wait for the ski patrol.

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滑雪镜也不容忽视。The ski glasses cannot be neglected, either.

雪将会很快就积到可以滑的深度了。The snow will soon be deep enough to ski on.

长距离比用吊椅好。Better than the ski lift over long distances.

我才不会花400块去买一件滑雪衣呢!I'm not forking out 400 bucks on ski clothes!

一天,我去了滑雪场,与我的朋友,李梅。One day, I went to ski with my friend, Li Mei.

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不要在滑雪坡道上作愚蠢地冒险。Don't take foolish liberties on the ski slopes.

一个男的问,我跟阿夫顿阿尔卑斯滑雪巡逻队在一起。A man asked. I'm with the Afton Alps Ski Patrol.

偏僻地区滑雪橇第10山脉赛区小屋。Backcountry Ski the 10th Mountain Division Huts.