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那是一本深奥的书.It's a profound book.

真的很深奥。That was very profound.

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他是如此的简单但又博大It is so simple, yet profound.

他是一位才高八斗的诗人。He is a poet of profound learning.

我可以教给你们一些深刻的教训。I have a profound lesson to teach.

中国的史诗是博大精深的。Epic of china is broad and profound.

她对法西斯主义怀有深仇大恨。She has a profound hatred of fascism.

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那篇文章的含义很深。The article implies profound meaning.

你的思想不见得都很深刻。Not all of your thoughts are profound.

这句话含义深刻。This remark has profound implications.

三精制药具有深厚文化底蕴。Sanjing has profound culture background.

在棱堡中人心焦虑。The anxiety in the redoubt was profound.

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这一段话对我产生了颇深的影响。That passage had a profound effect on me.

扎实的医学检验科知识。Profound knowledge in laboratory medicine.

渐渐的,我们结下了深厚的友谊。Gradually, we forged a profound friendship.

他对这一行为表示了极度蔑视。He expressed profound contempt for the act.

八宝中的每一宝都有它深刻的含义。Each one has its own profound signification.

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甚至他的闲情逸趣,都对我影响至深。Even his leisure have profound impact on me.

是一次很好的很有深度的谈话。It is a wonderful conversation with profound.

中国文学是博大精深的。The Chinese literature is broad and profound.