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空气经过粘液阻塞的细支气管时会发生水泡音。The rale produced when air passes through mucus-clogged bronchioles.

双肺听诊未闻及干,湿性罗音。Neither wet nor dry rale was heard in both lungs on auditorypercussion.

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结果所有病人均出现心率增快、脉搏氧饱和度下降,双肺听诊满布湿罗音和哮鸣音。Results Tachycardia, decline of SPO2 and rale of lung was found in all patients.

分析了正常的呼吸音、干性罗音和湿性罗音波形的特点。There's also an analysis of undulate form feature of vesicular breath sounds dry rale and wet rale.

公司始终坚持以“市场”为导向,以“质量求生存、信誉求发展”为宗旨。Company always insist on guiding of market, keep the rale "surviving depend on quality, developing depend on trust".

移动式试采平台将会为浅海石油开采起着更大的推动作用。Obviouly, these movable production platforms will play an important rale on the oil production activity in shallow water oil fields.

结果标准治疗组患者症状、体征、肺部啰音及EF值明显改善。Results the patients treated with standard therapy are obviously improved on symptoms, body characters, lung rale and the EF values.

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事实上,“泛滥”的网络侵权正影响着“法治”建设”和“和谐”社会的构建。The network tort in fact, "being in flood" is building build to be affecting " rale construction by law" and "harmonious" society"s.

在筛面时以磕罗音为击节,唱着悠扬的“生”腔韵调,好听之极,遂渐为人知。When the screen surface to knock hit rale for the festival, melodious singing of "health" cavity Yun stressed that the very sound was becoming known.

方法观察标准治疗组与传统常规治疗组患者症状、体征、肺部啰音及EF值变化。Methods To observe the variation on symptoms, body characters, lung rale and the EF values of patients treated with standard and conventional therapy.

本文在归纳逻辑编程的框架下提出了一种多槽规则自动获取方法,解决了信息抽取中知识获取和知识表示的瓶颈问题。In this paper we put forward an automatic multi-slot rale acquisition method under the ILP framework and solved the knowledge acquisition and representation bottleneck.

方法对50例肺部感染住院患者随机分为两组,以肺部湿罗音消退时间和退热时间作为考核指标进行临床应用观察。Methods The lung infection patients 50 cases are divided into 2 groups randomly. Observaton of clinical application to examine lung moist rale decreasing time and antipyretic time.