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有赏有罚。Duly mete out rewards and punishments.

他是根据什么决定奖励的?On what basis did he mete out the rewards?

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因为您不知道您要用什么量器量给我。You did not know the measure you were going to mete me.

对手下败将他通常很宽宏大量。He often mete out generous treatment to those he defeated.

各种刑具不同的受报。Different torture devices mete out different kinds of punishment.

但这是一个难办的事情。两只成年斑马用锋利的蹄子强有力地踢着。But this is a tall order. Two adult zebras mete out powerful kicks with sharp hooves.

前置放大器和显示安装在口袋大小的振动查处。Acceleromater, preamplifier and display are installed in a pocket-size vibration mete.

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对被告银行及其的董事的量刑将更加困难。It may make it more difficult for defendants and their boards to mete out punishments.

但我们需要认清人性的弱点使公义的彰显充满挑战。But we must recognize that our human frailty makes it challenging to mete out true justice.

那晚,她看见一个绝地在夜总会里以自己的方式秉持正义,于是更坚定了她的决心。Seeing a Jedi mete out his own brand of justice in the club that night steeled her resolve.

审判的呼声已经被听见,你们必须在“他”面前站成一排,分配给你们挣得的命运。The judgment call has sounded and line you must before Him, to mete your fate that you did earn.

塔利班时常加以运用的惩罚手段在我们西方人看来不可理喻。The harshness of the punishments they sometimes mete out only seems incomprehensible to the west.

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唯一可以阻止醉酒驾车的方法是给予违反者更加严厉的处罚。The only way to prevent driving under the influence is to mete out stiffer penalties to violators.

分配订单的算法结合了客户的购物历史和地理位置。An algorithm will mete out the offers by weighing customers' past purchases and geographic locations.

我坦白,那样漫长的白天和夜晚才是超乎你们所能给予的巨大惩罚。I confess such endless days and nights would be a punishment far greater than you could ever mete out.

他们能造成比其他任何职业都要大的伤害,但在肉搏战中将会非常脆弱,因为他们不能穿甲。They'll mete out more damage than any other class, but will be very weak in melee situations, wearing only cloth armor.

政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor's Law, and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement, sentence and punishment.

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人类对自然过度的征服最终会招致自然的愤怒,愤怒的自然会给予人类严厉的惩罚。The excessive conquest will result in the wrath of nature and the wrathful nature may mete out severe penalties for human beings.

他制定了如何提供健康保险、铺路、重组学校和如何伸张正义的具体计划。He provided detailed plans for how it would provide healthcare, pave roads and reorganize schools, and how it would mete out justice.

王夫之诗歌审美意象说包含情景交融论和审美直觉的“现量”论。Wang Fuzhi's poetic esthetical image theory covers affection and scene blending, and esthetical instinctive action, showing mete theory.