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四小时后,Phhilippi先生说他惊醒了。Four hours later, Mr. Philippi says he woke with a start.

为什么说提摩太具备十分的资格,往来腓立比教会带信?Why is Timothy highly qualified to take news to and from Philippi?

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Fox先生很快就开始对其财务前景感到恐慌,Phhilippi先生说。Mr. Fox soon began to panic about his financial future, Mr. Philippi says.

凯撒利亚腓立比城大约在加利利海以北二十五公里处。The city of Caesarea Philippi was about 25 kms north of the Sea of Galilee.

Phhilippi先生说他本想叫救护车,但是Fox先生坚持要他不要。Mr. Philippi says he wanted to call an ambulance but Mr. Fox insisted he not.

这是保罗写给他在腓立比的朋友兼捐助者的一封充满喜乐的书信。This is a joy-filled letter from Paul to his friends and supporters in Philippi.

当时保罗和西拉被诬告而在腓立比坐牢。Having been falsely accused, Paul and Silas found themselves in jail at Philippi.

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他打电话给了Phhilippi先生,“我被裁了,”他以一个冷静的声音说道。Mr. Fox called Mr. Philippi. "I've been severed, " he told Mr. Philippi in a calm voice.

在接下来的几个小时,Fox先生时而清醒时而无意识,Phhilippi先生说。For the next several hours, Mr. Fox lapsed in and out of consciousness, Mr. Philippi says.

当天晚上,Phhilippi先生回忆说,当晚Fox先生就在他们宾馆的房间登陆CNN网站了解更新的消息。In the evenings, Mr. Fox logged in to from their hotel room for updates, recalls Mr. Philippi.

在这封写给腓立比教会的致谢信中,保罗即使来到信的结尾,还对我们作出了很多教导。Paul has a lot to say to us all in these last few verses of this thank you letter to the church at Philippi.

至于我们,无酵节后,才从斐理伯启航,直到第五天才抵达特洛阿,到了他们那里,在那里住了七天。But we sailed from Philippi after the days of the Azymes, and came to them to Troas in five days, where we abode seven days.

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Phhilippi先生回忆说注射肉毒杆菌勉强能够帮助缓解Fox先生的面部,长时间工作开始使得痉挛更加恶化。Botox injections to help relax Mr. Fox's face provided scant relief, Mr. Philippi recalls, and long days at work began worsening the spasms.

在经历了一些个人挫折之后,“贝尔斯登这档子事正好成了打破他信念的最后一根稻草,”Philippi先生在访谈中说道。After several personal setbacks, "this Bear Stearns thing happened to be the last straw that broke his spirit, " Mr. Philippi said in an interview.

休顿汽车分析师菲利比表示,三大制造商提供消费者极为优惠的交易条件,但买车的人依然投向进口商的怀抱。"The Big Three are giving customers phenomenal deals, and the buyer still goes down to the import dealers, " said Shearson Lehman auto analyst Joseph Philippi.

结合土池育苗的试验,对中国蛤蜊的繁殖习性和胚胎发育过程进行了研究。The present paper gives the results of preliminary study conducted on the reproductive behaviour and embryonic development of sunray surf clam Mactra chinensis Philippi.