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她跑出屋去,扭着双手。She rushed out of the room, wringing her hands.

他正在把游泳裤中的水绞出来。He is wringing out the water from his swimming trunks.

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请放在阴凉乾燥地方,避免日晒雨淋。Placed in dry and shady , avoid sun-baked and wringing.

烈日下在田里干活使他汗流满面。He was wringing wet after working in the field in the hot sun.

不断膨胀的抵押贷款债务也令人坐立不安。There's also been much hand- wringing over ballooning mortgage debt.

由于未打伞在雨中行走,他全身湿透了。He was wringing wet because he was caught in the rain without an umbrella.

在多雨的日子里,我们同学中没有一个有雨伞,他们都湿透了。In the drippy days, none of our classmates had umbrellas, so they were all wringing.

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选用绞肉时,最好也能用鸡肉或火鸡胸来代替牛肉。Choose when wringing the flesh, best also can replace beef with chicken or turkey bosom.

约翰尼投下了在地板上的西莉亚的身体并且站立了在她,紧握他血污的手。Johnny dropped Celia's body on the floor and stood over her, wringing his blood-stained hands.

我们为什么要为纸的消逝而紧张,把它当做扼制思想的经济因素?Why are we wringing our hands about the demise of paper as the economic gating factor for ideas?

他们每天在这种危险的环境下工作很长时间,从带有水银的泥沙中淘出金沙。Here they endure long hours at dangerous jobs, wringing flecks of gold from the dirt with mercury.

“常累得我腰酸背痛,而且双手要浸在脏水里把拖布拧干,”曼加诺说。"I was tired of bending down, putting my hands in dirty water, wringing out a mop, " Mangano says.

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把布片或袜子浸在一片长而湿润的草地或植物上,再绞出吸收的水分倒进易拉罐里。Try soaking a cloth or sock in long, wet grasses or plants and then wringing that water into the can.

把布片或袜子浸在一片长而湿润的草地或植物上,再绞出吸收的水分倒进易拉罐里。Try soaking a cloth or sock in long, wet grasses or plants and then wringing that water into the can.

“是啊,”她的母亲回答说,其时她正跪在地上,勤勤勉勉地用她那双笨拙的手在绞擦布。"Yes, " returned her mother, who, upon her knees, was wringing out her cloth with earnest but clumsy hands.

我在早晨新鲜的空气里深深地呼吸着,这种空气几乎是湿得可以扭干,以致我可以在里面洗脸。I breathe in air that is so fresh it is almost wet, air that invites wringing out. I could wash my face in it.

许多公司在云计算时代已经不再关注PC软件,但是鲍尔默却能继续靠他赚取巨额利润。Ballmer is succeeding at wringing profits from PC software that many had written off in the age of cloud computing.

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有多少个时事评论员对债务拖欠危机捏把汗,就有多少个评论员谴责自由主义人士假喊“狼来啦”。For every commentator wringing his hands over the danger of default, another accuses the "liberals" of crying wolf.

我们周围没有一个人因为飞机的可能坠毁而看上去面色苍白或者铁青,绝望地撮着手。No one around us was looking pale or green, wringing their hands in despair at the possibility of the plane crashing.

主并非坐在天上拧著祂的手担心要来的事,凡是连结于祂的人也不该如此。The Lord is not sitting in the heavens wringing His hands, worrying about what is coming, and neither are those who are abiding in Him.