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那喀索斯的故事也为其提供重要资源。The story of Narcissus does too.

尼罗和那喀索斯永远和我们在一起。Nero and Narcissus are always with us.

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“再见”纳喀索斯对那映像说。"Goodbye" said Narcissus to his reflection.

这肥皂的品牌名是“水仙牌”。The brand name of this soap is" Narcissus ".

黄水仙是水仙属植物。The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus.

她像一朵在风中颤抖的水仙花。She is like a narcissus trembling in the wind.

我的屋子里,水仙许久没有开花了。My room, a long time did not blossom Narcissus.

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那西塞斯非常思念她,甚至想跟她一起死去。Narcissus much that he wished he might die too.

纳西塞斯不会爱上比他更美的人。Narcissus does not fall in love with his better.

有关那喀索斯的幠现金网址在奥维德的作品中有过描述。The myth of Narcissus is described in Ovid's work.

但问题是纳瑟西斯不为爱情所动。The problem was that Narcissus was immune to love.

那西塞斯四下张望,但他没见到半个人影。Narcissus looked around, but he couldn't see anyone.

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水仙属包括黄水仙和长寿花。The genus "narcissus" includes daffodils and jonquils.

最后,她走了出来,想拥抱纳瑟西斯。Finally, she stepped out and tried to embrace Narcissus.

得知水仙的身体没什么大碍,傅同松了口气。Learned that narcissus body no matter, fu with relieved.

不久,那喀索斯在一条小溪边停下饮水。Presently Narcissus stopped to drink from a little stream.

那现在正好是水仙收获的季节。Currently it is the high season to harvest narcissus bulbs.

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那西塞斯打猎打得很累,也口渴了。Narcissus was very tired from hunting. He was thirsty, too.

水仙花和风信子都拍得很漂亮,欣赏了!Nice pictures of beautiful flowers of narcissus and hyacinth.

愿我主耶稣基督的恩、常和你们同在。Greet those in the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord.