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雪州民联议员是他的下个目标。Opposition politicians in the state of Selangor are his next target.

话虽如此,我就不写了从雪兰莪州和马六甲的挑战。Having said that, I will not write off the challenges from Selangor and Malacca.

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瓜拉雪兰莪是一个沿海城镇,它位于吉隆坡西北六十四公里处。Kampung Kuantan, is a town in Kuala Selangor that attracts lots of people to visit.

雪兰莪州警察总监哈姆扎对记者说,救援人员已成功救出9人。Selangor police chief Hamza, told reporters that aid workers have been rescued 9 people.

这是没有效果的,因为阿兹丽娜依旧在雪州办公室与副总监约会。This was not effective because Azlina is still always with the DD in the Selangor office.

其实,这个行动中的指示都是他发出的,包括反贪委在雪兰莪州的其他行动在内。In fact, he was the one who gave all the orders in this operation and other operations in MACC Selangor.

他这个做法是因为他与基尔多尤有协定,要让现任雪州政府倒台。He acted in this fashion because he has made a conspiracy with Khir Toyo to topple the government of Selangor.

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例如在乌鲁雪兰莪州,国阵政府拨出约两亿令吉的现金和推动工程项目。In Hulu Selangor for example, about RM200 millions were disbursed in the form of cash, donations and projects.

会长谢庆土及副会长卢成全出席吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华工商总会庆祝成立102周年会庆晚宴。Attended the 102nd Anniversary Dinner of The Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

雪兰莪反贪污局对这宗案件,还有他所拥有的其他物业调查了几年。The case was investigated by the then BPR Selangor for a few years together with various other houses owned by him.

就像卡立所知道的,大马人也意识到国阵政府策划夺回雪州政权。And just so that Khalid knows, Malaysians are aware of the political high drama by the ruling elite to regain control of Selangor.

由于他在雪兰莪反贪委在位多年,他曾涉及多宗贪污和滥权的案件。As a result of his position in MACC Selangor for these many years, he has been involved in various cases of bribery and misuse of power.

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雪州总警长卡立阿布巴卡给予的藉口是在场的警官资历浅及不清楚他的职务。The excuse given by Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar is that the officer at the rally was a junior staff who did not know his job.

从2011年起公司对PET塑料的处理能力达到每年100,000吨,工厂分布于柔佛州和雪兰莪州。Since 2011 The Company will handle and process 100,000 MT of PET plastic per annum with three factories locate in Johor state and Selangor state.

他能够在这个地点建筑油站是因为他的权力以及在基尔掌管雪州政府时就已经累积的。He managed to get the site to build the petrol station because of his power, which was exercised in the era of Khir Toyo's government in Selangor.

这面大布条的面积为150公尺乘100公尺,将由雪州国阵青年团所负责制作,并且申请纳入健力士纪录。The flag is 150 meters by 100 meters, which is made by State of Selangor Youth League and has applied for entry into the Guinness Book of Records.

我已经告诉党领导层,我坚决辞去雪兰莪州行政议员以及武吉兰彰州议员的职位。I have informed my party leaders that I am determined to relinquish all my positions, as a Selangor State Exco Member as well as the State Assemblywoman for Bukit Lanjan.

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但是以煽动言论调查槟州首长林冠英发表“雪州行政议员政治助理赵明福被谋杀”的言论已是太过分。But going after Penang Chief Minister and DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng for saying Selangor State Exco's political aide Teoh Beng Hock was murdered is taking it too far.

新海峡时报最近指反贪委员会是马来人机构,以及质疑为何身为一个马来人的雪州务大臣质疑马来同胞和作为马来人机构的反贪委员会。The New Straits Times recently suggested that MACC is a Malay institution and asked as to why the Selangor MB, a Malay, was questioning fellow Malays and MACC, a Malay institution.