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有一点点凝结。A little bit of condensation.

金山和小文的笑容凝结。Jinshan and xiaowen condensation smile.

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云是由水蒸汽凝缩而成的。A cloud is a condensation of water vapour.

这只是成年男子的一种凝缩现象。It was merely the condensation of the man.

这里水凝可能是一个问题。Here's where condensation can be a problem.

图式1吡咯与苯甲醛的缩合反应。Scheme 1 . condensation of pyrrole and benzaldehyde.

我的毕业论文是关于蒸汽设备中的冷凝液。My thesis was on condensation in steam-supply systems.

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房舱凝水、落水管系畅通试验。Cabin condensation piping to be done free-flowing test.

当过饱和是正值时,则出现凝结。Condensation occurs when the supersaturation is positive.

云是由大气中的水蒸气凝结成的。A cloud is a condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere.

纯洁的菁华来自于自然本色的凝聚、沉积。Pure essence comes from the condensation of original nature.

采用惰性气体凝聚法获得非金属团簇淀积体。Nonmetal nanoclusters are generated by inert-gas condensation.

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配置电热除露装置,减少凝露。Deploy electric heating dew expeller to reduce dew condensation.

湿汽的凝聚能够靠视觉辩别。The moisture condensation can be identified by the visual evidence.

话语凝缩是一种非常普遍的汉语语用现象。Discourse condensation is a popular pragmatic phenomenon in Chinese.

塑造和凝聚“仕诺”的文化向心力。Molds and the condensation "Shi promises" culturalcentripetal force.

本发明涉及一种高效无结垢冷凝管。The invention relates to an efficient anti-scaling condensation pipe.

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今天早晨,厚厚的窗内挂满了凝结的水珠。This morning the thick interior windows drip with heavy condensation.

制冷机低温泵的冷源是小型制冷机。The condensation source of the modern cryopump is a mini refrigerator.

你绝对不想把湿气或者冷凝水带到相机的机身里去。You never want to get moisture or condensation inside the camera body.