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她奋力挥臂发信号。She was signaling wildly, waving her arms.

我看到岸边有人在打求救信号。I saw a person signaling for help by the shore.

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以TGF信号通路为靶点的治疗。TGF signaling pathway as a target of treatment.

准备好信号设备,供急用。Have signaling equipment ready for immediate use.

用白天信号灯以识别。Make identification with daylight signaling lamps.

她在向孩子们打手势,要他们留在外面。She was signaling to the children to stay outside.

我们习惯于认为信号作为同带信号传输。We are used to thinking of signaling as being in-band.

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在调节身体储存脂肪上,胰岛素起着相应作用。Insulin plays a role in signaling your body to store fat.

鸟类就像长翅膀的哨兵,预示了我们所居星球的未来。Birds are like winged sentinels, signaling our planet’s future.

一些设备发送信号采用编码器传输和限定。Some drives have pass-through signaling on encoders and limits.

这种类型的信号有一些很有趣的方面。There are several interesting aspects to this kind of signaling.

该项业务建立在共路局间信令可用性的基础上。It is based on the availability of channel interoffice signaling.

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你需要知道你的信令是在“带内”还是“带外”。You need to know if your signaling is "inband" or "out of band. "

而离子通道已知能够调节神经元之间的信号。Ion channels are known to regulate signaling between such neurons.

他们的系统很快英国铁路用来发送信号。Their system was soon being used for railroad signaling in Britain.

准随路方式是一种特殊的非随路信令操作。Quasi-associated Mode is a special non-associated signaling operation.

四十多年来嘌呤信号的概念被拒绝。The purinergic signaling concept was rejected by many for two decades.

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枝头上枫叶飘飘,枫叶飘飘秋已到。Atop the trees float the maple leaves, signaling the arrival of Autumn.

她好像要对所有这一切发出告别的信号——我可以自由而平静地走了。She seemed to be signaling goodbye to all that—I'm free to go in peace.

PSTN信令通过使用手机产生的声调来开始或结束通话。PSTN signaling uses tones generated by the phone to begin or end a call.