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它还是生成一个清晰满足的布局。It still produces a unambiguous, satisfiable layout.

对于问题二,给出了满意度函数用来评价公众满意程度。The satisfiable degree function was presented to evaluate to personnel satisfied degree.

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经检验,两模型可预测流域旱涝灾害发生的时间及其概率,并具有较高的精度。The probability of the event predicted can be given by Markov Model. The precision is satisfiable.

这说明所有的布局在水平轴方向上都产生一个清晰的,满足的布局。That means all of the layouts produce a nonambiguous, satisfiable layout along the horizontal axis.

基于这个思想本文设计了一个通过寻找可满足2-SAT子问题来求解SAT的算法。Inspired by this fact, we introduce a new SAT solver based on finding satisfiable 2-SAT sub problem.

软件测试工具很难达到通用的目标,大多数该类工具都是具体针对某一种或几种程序语言的。It is difficult to develop a satisfiable testing tool. Most tools only work for one or several program language.

然而十几年过去了,重庆上市公司的整体绩效却令人堪忧。But after over ten years development, the whole performance of the listed companies of Chongqing is not satisfiable.

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如果我们能再次识别特定物,那么我们拥有基于其作出再次识别的可满足的标准。If we can re-identify particulars , then we have satisfiable criteria on the basis of which we can make re-identification.

对较小的变量数计算了可满足概率,所得的结论与以往的结果一致。When number of variables is not big, computing result of the satisfiable probability is consistent with the previous facts.

该示例依旧有两个视图,四个水平约束,以及四个垂直约束。它还是生成一个清晰满足的布局。The example still has two views, four horizontal constraints, and four vertical constraints. It still produces a nonambiguous, satisfiable layout.

在很多应用领域中,我们都需要获取逻辑公式所有无冗余的可满足解集合,即集合中的任意两个解不能互相蕴涵。In some applications, we need to obtain the set of all satisfiable assignments of a Boolean function, in which assignments can not imply each other.

目前,基于内容的图像数据库检索已成为图像数据库研究的主流,其核心是基于内容的图像相似性检索。CBIR is a core technique of image database system. The main obstacle facing content-based image database is that the retrieval effectiveness is not satisfiable.