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不要丢下我一个人。No me dejes solo.

现在伦巴舞踩点。Now solo for Rumba.

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这段独奏有多长呢How long is this solo?

今天有没有马头琴独奏?Is there a solo of that fiddle?

今日是秋季独奏曲。Today autumn will play the solo.

那支钢琴独奏曲弹得真好。The piano solo was well rendered.

我们具有独奏家一般的精神。We have the solo artist's spirit.

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索罗门琴行专营网店欢迎您的光临!Welcome to Solo Man Musical Shop!

咱们再听另一段独奏Let's go back and hear another solo.

那么,一个独资企业家该采取怎样的措施呢?So what’s a solo entrepreneur to do?

音乐会以一首钢琴独奏曲开始的。The concert began with a piano solo.

你已经计画制作张个人专辑吗?。Have you already planned a solo album?

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写一个全音符然后标上“独奏”就行啦。Write a whole note with SOLO above it.

一种独舞强调快速的拍打。A solo tap dance emphasizing sharp taps.

白天里上演着花花世界,夜晚却是一个人的独角戏。During the day at night world, is a solo.

这是我在北京的首场个唱。This is my debut solo concert in Beijing.

独奏很快演变成竞争性的比赛。His solo quickly evolved into competition.

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1972年杰克逊发行首张个人专辑。Jackson made his first solo album in 1972.

艾迪以他的个人表演得到了一炮而红的机会。Eddie got a lucky break with his solo show.

不要害怕或为单独做事情感到难为情。Don't be afraid or ashamed to do things solo.