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什么也欺骗不了这位老人。Nothing can beguile the old man.

不要让潮流迷惑了你自己。Don't let the fashion- mongers beguile you.

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游戏常用来哄小孩。Games are usually used to beguile small children.

我在睡梦中被你的幻影蒙骗。When dreams of your presence my slumbers beguile.

他们唱着歌,愉快地度过一个个漫长的冬夜。They sang songs to beguile the long winter evenings.

这位教师常常给她的学生讲童话故事,借以吸引他们的兴趣。The teacher used to beguile her pupils with fairy tales.

排遣寂寞,除了吃之外,还有什么更好的方法呢?Is there any better ways to beguile loneliness except eating?

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这是即使最识货的美食家也会着迷的美味佳肴。It's so delicacies that beguile even the most discerning gourmet.

我知道你们男人懂得如何用虚情假意的言辞来蒙骗我们女人。I see that men still know how to beguile us women with false words.

北京有许多能迷住外国旅游者的景物。Beijing has a multitude of attractions to beguile the foreign tourist.

他竟然有脸欺骗他最要好的朋友以高价买了他的住宅。He had the face to beguile his best friend into buying his house at a high price.

天然丝的细微差别从级联到欺骗辫子卷发成了。The nuance of natural strands become from curls that cascade to braids that beguile.

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它们将会诱骗了那些不警惕的读者,使他们不知不觉也成了虚构中的一部分了。They will beguile an unwary reader who does not happen to know that they are part of the fiction.

我以我的美貌、聪颖和言辞博得了他的欢心,于是他带我去到生命之火燃烧的地方。Then did I beguile him with my beauty and my wit , and flatter him with my tongue, so that he led me down to the home of the Fire.

我觉得,我的任何话语都如此柔弱和无济于事,无法使你从如此巨大的悲痛中得到解脱。I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming.

我感到,对于你遭到如此巨大的损失而引起的深切悲痛来说,我的任何安慰话都只会是多么的软弱无力和毫无用处。I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming.

如果我,或者我的朋友可以减轻您的苦恼,总之不管您在哪方面用得到我的话,我希望您知道我是非常乐意为您效劳的。If the company of myself and my friends can beguile your thoughts, if you need me in any way, I would like you to know how very happy I would be to help.

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云雾缭绕的山岭和泰国清盛市的宁静环境,吸引着游客们来到被称为金三角地区的湄公河边。MIST-DRAPED mountains and the serene ambience of the Thai city of Chiang Saen beguile visitors to the Mekong river in an area dubbed the Golden Triangle.

她深深责备自己不该被美丽的少女迷惑,告诉自己下次不要听她的。She reproached herself bitterly that she had allowed the beautiful maiden to beguile her and she told herself that another time she would not listen to her.

自此,这段历史成了妄想症和不公正的同义词,并且,在300多年后的今天,依然困扰着民众的思维。Since then, the story of the trials has become synonymous with paranoia and injustice, and it continues to beguile the popular imagination more than 300 years later.