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是那璀璨的光环暗淡了吗?Is you it that bright aureole that dim?

现在我们需要创建光环的内部了。Now we need to create the inner of the aureole.

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你,将永远承载英雄的光环。You, will load the aureole of the hero forever.

他们放下了冠冕,却没有保留光轮。They laid down the crown, and retained no aureole.

一旦你看到她丑陋的一刻,公主将会失去光环。That prince may lose her aureole whenever he find a ugly moment on her.

之后,将两个光环的图层打组,以保持图层文件层次整洁。After that, group the two layers of the aureole to keep your file organized.

你继续背负着英雄的光环,吃力的前进!You continue to carry on the back the aureole of the hero, exhausting of headway!

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我有一个梦想,这梦想深深扎根于人性的光环之下。I have a dream, this dream deeply is radicate in the aureole of the human nature under.

在光环内部创建另外一个选区,并删除其中的部分。你会得到像这样的东西。Make another selection within the aureole and delete the selection. This way you will get something like that.

实验中,实现了空心激光束空心暗斑尺寸、光环宽度和光束宽度的变化。In the experiment, it realized the control of size of hollow macula, the width of aureole and the internal and outer diameter of aureole.

到曼德雷湾的奥雷欧餐厅点一瓶香醇老酒,可以观赏一个穿着紧身连衣裤的天使“飞”到14米高的酒塔顶端去取酒。Order an impressive vintage at the restaurant Aureole at Man-dalay Bay and an angel in a catsuit "flies" to the top of a 14m wine tower to retrieve it.

凤梨山铅锌矿床产于中酸性岩浆岩与三叠系海相碳酸盐地层的热接触变质晕内。The lead-zinc deposit of Fenglishan occurs in the thermal contact metamorphic aureole of intermediate-acid magmatic rocks with marine carbonates of Triassic.

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坐了一刻钟,他站起来,仿佛又要向那条被宝光笼罩着的板凳走去。At the expiration of a quarter of an hour, he rose, as though he were on the point of again beginning his march towards that bench which was surrounded by an aureole.

眼前这个身高一米六五左右的女孩儿,无论说话还是举手投足,都那么内敛、谦和,富有教养,一点儿看不出存在任何耀眼的光环。The girl presented in 165 cm either her talk or her every act and every move was so restrained, humble, and well-cultivated, no one can see any dazzling aureole on her at all.

艺博会好似一个大舞台,中外艺术家汇聚滨城,把美带到了大连,为年轻美丽的城市戴上了夺目的光环。Dalian Interational Art Fair is like a huge stage, and domestic and foreign artists will bring the beauty to Dalian and wear a dazzling aureole for this beautiful young seaside city.

水系沉积物锌异常、闪锌矿淋滤后在地表岩石表面所形成的暗红色锌晕等为该类矿床的重要找矿标志。The important prospecting indications of the deposit type are abnormal zinc of watery sediment and dark red aureole which is formed by zinc ore eluviation in the surface of the upper rocks.

而在她给我的那些东西里,我唯一想抛弃掉的,就是沉甸甸笼罩在头上的那圈光环,因为,即使我不去抛弃,那光亮也在渐渐黯淡下去。And in she give my those things I am unique to want to abandon be very heavy cover with on the head of that aureole because of even I abandon that is shining also at gradually dreary descend.

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长久以来,山歌一直是客家人最重要的精神食粮,虽然没有宫廷音乐的高贵与华美,但它却代表着客家人秉性的纯朴与真情。For a long time, Sunko nurtures the mind of Hakka people. Though there are no nobleness and aureole of palace music, it represents honesty and true feelings of Hakka people's natural disposition.

在众多的控制系DEBUFF效果当中,骑士光环类DEBUFF应该说是比较特殊的一种,这一类控制技能最大的特点就是坑人于无形之中。In many controls anchor among the DEBUFF effect, knight aureole DEBUFF should say to is more special 1 kind, the characteristics of this biggest control technical ability is defrauded to invisible in.