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那英雄杀死了邪恶的独眼怪兽。The hero slew the vicious cyclops.

奴隶们用乱刀砍死主人。The slaves slew their master with swords.

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瓦里安·乌瑞恩国王揭露了她的阴谋并杀掉了她。King Varian Wrynn uncovered her plot and slew her.

对于两手空空的男性,性别的失衡意味着什么呢?And what about the slew of males who come up empty-handed?

但这容易赚入的钱也带给意外问题的扭转。But the easy money also brings a slew of unexpected problems.

他击杀了埃及国的首生,因为他的仁慈永远常存。He slew the firstborn of Egypt, his kindness endures forever.

上海队利用江西队的频繁失球占了上风。The Shanghai team took advantage of a slew of Jiangxi turnovers.

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连接到密西根州案例中其他利益方陈述的回顾。Here's a link to the slew of amicus briefs in the Michigan cases.

二人都可以拿出一堆数据来支持自己的观点。Each of them can marshall a slew of data to bolster his viewpoint.

意态由来画不成,当时枉杀毛延寿。Italian state origin of the painting fails, then slew Mao Yanshou.

又拆了毗努伊勒的楼,杀了那城里的人。And he beat down the tower of Penuel, and slew the men of the city.

谷歌得与对互联网有管理权的许多机构打交道。grapples with a slew of agencies that have a say over the Internet.

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我们有一些大师在从事此项工作并提出了一系列新的令人敬畏的想法。We've got some great people working on it and a slew of awesome ideas.

在书珊城,犹大人杀灭了五百人。And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.

当他临近巴斯加玛时,将约纳堂杀死,就埋葬在那里。And when he approached to Bascama, he slew Jonathan and his sons there.

单电源,高压摆率,输入失调电压运算放大器。Single Supply, High Slew Rate, Input Offset Voltage Operational Amplifiers.

我们曾有一些涉及侵犯版权的剧照。We had a slew of cast photos pinged with copyright infringement violations.

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那天晚上,众多明星用他们的表演让观众们看花了眼。On that night, a slew of stars dazzled the audience with their performances.

这人向以色列人骂阵,大卫的哥哥示米亚的儿子约拿单就杀了他。But when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea David's brother slew him.

单电源,高压摆率,低输入失调电压运算放大器。Single Supply, High Slew Rate, Low Input Offset Voltage Operational Amplifiers.