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可以在下面的目录中找到折叠图像You can find the twisty image at

你曾经有过扭伤的治疗吗?Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?

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可以单击打开每个部分。Open each section using the twisty.

他们都说兰尼斯特们是狡猾的毒蛇。They say all Lannisters are twisty snakes.

下面,我为大家读一首英语绕口令。Nest, I to a English tongue twisty everybody.

折叠图像与主题是相互独立的。The twisty image, though, is not theme dependent.

毛应该有足够的密度,打柳,然后应该很好的站立在皮肤上。It should be dense, twisty and should stand off from the skin.

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反过来,事物的发展总是曲折着前进的。On the contrary, things are always moving forward in its twisty way.

头骨山是一个陡峭且蜿蜒曲折的大下坡,中间有很多长满树的山峰。Skull mountain is a steep, twisty drop around tree-filled inner peaks.

这种字体显得有些粗陋,每个字母都有很锐利的扭曲,显得怪怪的,很难看。society. It's clumsy, and has weird ugly sharp twisty bits coming off each of the letters.

他的扭转管是重大成就,讽刺的是,现在许多节能灯还是人工弯曲的。His twisty tube was a major achievement, so tricky to produce that many CFLs are still curled by hand.

同时,亚马逊网站还将努力停止使用捆绑胶带来捆绑货物。Along with that, they'll be working to eliminate those plastic-coated twisty ties that hold items in place.

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好吧,所以他出现在了矩阵革命的最后关头,但在迂回的矩阵世界里,他何尝真的死去过?Okay, so he bites it at the very end of Matrix Revolutions, but in the twisty world of The Matrix, is he really dead?

头骨山是一个陡峭且蜿蜒曲折的大下坡,中间有很多长满树的山峰。容易遗漏青鱼或撞到障碍物上。Skull mountain is a steep, twisty drop around tree-filled inner peaks. Expect to miss a lot of herrings and crash a lot.

理想的工作,上下班或注册曲折道路的周末之旅,近地天体仍灵活的边三轮吊舱可以很容易地删除。Ideal for a work commute or a weekend trip up twisty roads, the NEOS remains flexible as the sidecar pod can easily be removed.

一种超螺旋光束被用来区分左右手性分子,准确度达到了空前水平。A super twisty beam of light has been created that can distinguish between left and right-handed molecules with unprecedented precision.

在这个过程中,工农兵的形象逐渐确立,娱乐显示出力量,使得民间审美和农民意识在政治剧中以异形的方式得以保存。Entertainment shows power that it saves civilian taste and farmer consciousness in the political drama though they exist in twisty shape.

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中国近20年来的金融创新就在这一背景下跌宕起伏地推进,总体规模不大,并带有明显的扭曲和投机色彩。The financial innovation of China has been carried out on this background in the past 20 years, undulant, small scale , twisty and speculative.

加上有些风险在这个地区是特别高的,比方说散步可能也是一种危险的运动,因为可能碰到超大的原木或运煤的手推车刚好滚下曲曲折折的山路。Other hazards are distinct to the area. Walking can be a dangerous form of exercise, with oversize log and coal trucks barrelling down the twisty mountain roads.

出了城,我们就离开大路上了盘山道。很快,路变得颠簸不平、坑坑洼洼、满是车辙。我真担心我们的车要散架。Outside of town, we turned off the main road and headed up a twisty mountain road that soon became so bumpy, rutted and crumbled that I feared we might bust an axle.