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即使是最窄的新闻专栏也因为太宽而不能聚焦完全。Even the narrowest columns of newsprint are too wide to focus entirely.

在壁炉中坚实的报纸管将燃烧得同原木一样。The solid tube of newsprint will burn much like a log in the fireplace.

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别人的报纸和网页成为你的营销信使。Now someone else's newsprint or webpage is relaying your marketing message.

首例新闻纸反倾销案已经终裁。Final award has already been made on the first newsprint paper antidumping case.

又分头去买了洗印药粉,电影胶片和成捆的白报纸。Also separately buy a laboratory powders, films and film into a bundle of newsprint.

它的两个主要锯木厂业务,其纸浆厂和新闻纸工厂都关闭。Its two major sawmill operations, its pulp mill and newsprint mill were all shut down.

讨论了打浆度对新闻纸物理性能的影响。The effect of beating degrees on physical properties of newsprint is deeply discussed.

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新闻纸将不能在数年之后,又在书摊杂志?。Will newsprint not be available in a few years time, also magazines at the bookstall ?

我刚刚读了一篇报道说用回收的报纸做成的硬纸盒包装物会招致癌症。I've just read a report that cardboard packaging made from recycled newsprint can cause cancer.

这种纸浆常常被用于产品需要较少的力量,如纸板和新闻纸。This pulp is often used for products requiring less strength, such as paperboards and newsprint.

进行了美废脱墨浆与杨木CTMP配抄新闻纸性能的研究。The properties of newsprint from the blending pulp of American wasted paper and Aspen CTMP was studied.

新闻纸的印刷适性与胶印水墨平衡有密切的联系。There is close relation between newsprint printability and the water-ink balance during offset printing.

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介绍了根据新闻纸生产情况合成的专用消泡剂CS-500的现场应用情况。In this paper, the application of special antifoaming agent CS-500 in DIP newsprint making was introduced.

新闻纸被用来制作报纸和一些杂志或书籍,而牛皮纸则被用来制作购物袋。Newsprint is used for newspapers and some magazines or books, while kraft paper is used for shopping bags.

介绍了新闻纸的调色方法。The tinting method of newsprint containing deinked pulp, groundwood pulp and chemical pulp was introduced.

每厘米34线以下的半色调网线。印在新闻纸和其他廉价纸张上的插图,多用粗网。A halftone screen of up to 34 lines per cm used in illustrations printed on newsprint and other cheap papers.

第三、四、五章分别对新闻纸、铜版纸两个反倾销案例的一系列经济效应进行了实证分析。Chapter3, 4 and 5 demonstrated a series of economic effect of Newsprint and Copperplate paper antidumping cases.

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新闻纸加填既可降低生产成本,又可以提高纸产品质量,是新闻纸生产的重要发展趋势。Improving the quality and reducing the cost of newsprint by using fillers are the trend in newsprint manufacture.

系统研究了用于配抄新闻纸的蔗渣碱性过氧化氢化机浆的制浆工艺。The pulping process of alkaline peroxide mechanical pulp of bagasse for newsprint was investigated systematically.

彩报用的是新闻纸,所以它有差别于铜版纸制卡和会员卡制息的特不面。News paper using a newsprint , so it has a different from art paper business card printing and membership card making.