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这家就这样地完全没落了。The household ruin was thus full and orbicular.

宇宙具有严整的秩序,圆满的和谐。The cosmos has solemn order and orbicular harmony.

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如果一个卷心菜和一个胡萝卜赛跑,哪一个能赢?A cabbage. Because it is orbicular and can roll easily.

哦?真像俺那枝圆鞭啊!年份是可以再靠前。Oh?It pretty likes my orbicular scourge! It is earlier than what you said.

结果45眼经此处理,大部分瞳孔圆形或接近圆形。Results In the 45 cases with treatment, most pupil can be orbicular or approximately orbicular.

因之具高度的宗教性,是极圆成的宗教。Because Confucianism has intensively religious characteristic, so it is a very orbicular religion.

同时对手术的适应证,口轮匝肌重建的标准作了讨论。The indications of the operation designs and the criteria in the management of orbicular muscle is analyzed.

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结论带蒂眼轮匝肌转位术治疗严重下睑内翻具有较好疗效。No recurrence was found. Conclusion It is effective to treat severe lower eyelid entropion by pediculated orbicular muscle grafting.

动画产业最重要的点就是要有完整的产业链,产业链的各个环节是动态的,完整的。An orbicular industry chain is the foremost factor for cartoon industry development, in which every tache is dynamic and orbicular itself.

本发明公开了一种弧面及球形音箱箱体及其成型的方法,属音箱技术领域。The invention discloses a cambered or orbicular sound box body and a forming method thereof, which belongs to the sound box technical field.

而900、1000℃煅烧电石渣制备的石灰乳活性小,合成得到的硬硅钙石球形粒子直径小,且倾向于紧密团聚。But xonotlite slime, which is prepared by the carbide slag calcined at 900 and 1000℃ , is made up of a little small orbicular secondary particle.

目的评价睑缘切开带蒂轮匝肌瓣充填术治疗严重上睑内翻倒睫的临床疗效。Objective To estimate the therapeutic effect using palpebralis margin incision and pediculated orbicular muscle grafting to cure severe upper eyelid entropion.

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基于通用河网二维水流模式,采用全隐式矩阵追赶与回代技术,提出了环状河道单元二维数值模拟的通用模型。Based on the generic 2D river-network model, a generic numerical model for 2D orbicular river cell is presented by applying the full implicit matrix chase-after method.

得到了垂直喷射时在材料的去除区域呈W型的环状分布现象,并运用射流与冲击理论对这一现象做了详细地分析。The phenomenon that the removal area presents the orbicular structure of W-shape is obtained. Then the reasonable explanation is given with the jet and impact theories.

结果表明,锻烧后的电石渣可以制备出纯度较高的,毛栗状球形“二次粒子”明显,且数量多直径大的硬硅钙石活性料浆。The results indicate that the carbide slag after proper calcination can be used to prepare the pure xonotlite which was made up of many big orbicular secondary particles.

结论双侧唇裂行口轮匝肌解剖学重建术,可获得满意的外形及功能效果。Conclusion The excellent lip contour and the functional effect could be obtained through the dissecting reconstruction of orbicular muscle of mouth in bilateral cheiloschisis.

但对于水电站建设,目前还没有建立完整的评价模型,给出完整的风险分析方法。Large-scale water conservancy and hydropower project is an important infrastructure, but there is not a complete evaluation model about it, and give a orbicular risk analysis method.

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针对卫星推进系统管路中经常使用的球面密封结构,分析了其密封的机理,讨论了塑性变形对金属密封的重要作用。The orbicular seal joint was widely used in the propulsion system of satellites. Its sealing mechanism was studied, and the important effect of the plasticity for metal seal was discussed.

球头联接件作为卫星推进系统管路装配中的重要零件之一,关系到整个卫星在轨运行能否高可靠及长寿命。As one of the important parts in the pipe assembly of a satellite propulsion system, the orbicular seal joint is related with the reliability and service life of the satellite working in orbit.

角膜张力测量中很难预防测量时有反应的病人眼球和眼睑肌肉张力增加导致的IOP增加。During the corneal tonometry it is very difficult to prevent the increasing of orbicular and palpebral muscles tone at the moment of measuring in reactive patients, that leads to IOP increasing.