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这么说你是一个老同志?So you are a big queer?

我告诉你,他们生来就这么古怪。I tell you they’re born queer.

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你可听到了哪些奇怪的声响?Did you hear those queer noises?

也就是“酷儿群体“I think it's the queer community.

那分明是一件怪事。It is a queer business, apparently.

他有一种奇怪的偏见。He is prepossessed with a queer idea.

告诉你,很奇怪,彼得斯太太。I tell you , it’s queer , Mrs. Peters.

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我是布置组成员主题是什么?What's the theme, "Queer and Queerer"?

你那位老伯伯,可真是个古怪的人。That old uncle of yours is a queer fish.

我发现他的行为没有什么怪僻之处。I observed nothing queer in his behaviour.

他的旅伴是个古怪的人。His travelling companion is a queer person.

这种源自美国的理论能在中国本土扎根吗?Can the US-born "Queer theory" be "Chinese"?

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但他发现没有什么比人更奇妙的了。He found that-there's nowt so queer as folk.

真人秀经常以同性恋人为特色。Reality shows have always featured queer folk.

这真怪,一个人能这样痛苦。It is queer that a person can suffer like that.

同志亦凡人在这里给你了解“点”故事的背景。Queer Comrades hereby gives you an exclusive insight!

古人看现代,反穿都市第一奇文。The ancients look modern, anti-wear first queer city.

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荒谬的错误和古怪的服装常会引起人们的讪笑。Silly mistakes and queer clothes often arouse ridicule.

当你了解到她是同性恋之后也许对她的印象会更加深刻。This was even more impressive considering she was queer.

提布也要算在里面,她的脾气可是古怪得很。Tib has to be considered, and she has a very queer temper.