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而当你离去,谁还能擦热我的心?But who will chafe my heart when you are gone?

他很少穿吊裤带,因为会擦得身上痛。He rarely uses suspenders , since they may chafe him.

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凡士林,羊脂膏,香袋油或其他唇膏油脂可用于防止擦伤。Vaseline, lanolin, bag balm or other grease can be used to prevent chafe marks.

他们中的许多人对限制他们的宗教与文化,以及汉族移民的大量涌入十分愤怒。Many chafe at restrictions on their religion and culture and a massive influx of Han migrants.

无论男女,中东的许多东方人对企图引进西方式的女权运动感到愤怒。But many Middle Easterners, both men and women, chafe at attempts to introduce Western-style feminism.

尽管不断脚下使绊,但西方政府显然不愿如此早就找到中国的对立面。Western governments are clearly eager not to antagonise China, evenif they chafe at its foot-dragging.

这对欧共体影响最大,因为他们标准规则建立的基础就是单一市场。This advice will chafe most in the European Union, where standard rules are the basis of the single market.

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每当我对生活强加于身的种种限制感到心烦意乱时,就会想起那个小男孩和他不屈不挠的热情。When I start to chafe at the limitations life imposes, I think of that little boy and his indomitable enthusiasm.

这种方法最主要的作用就是用锚链就抵抗凹凸不平的水底摩擦,否则的话尼龙绳很容易磨断。The primary function of chain is to handle the chafe from rough bottoms that would otherwise abrade the soft nylon line.

他回嘴伯根公司保守的管理形式,但是老伯根想把公司留给他儿子和孙子。Not only did he chafe against Bogen's conservative ways, but the aging Bogen planned to leave the company to his son and son-in-law.

情报单位无法像对付无线电通讯那样自由地拦截光纤通讯,也因此FISA条例开始受挫。The intelligence community could not intercept these communications as freely as they could radio traffic, and the FISA rules began to chafe.

尽管金融企业高管会打擦边球,但法律提供的保护会使投资者更可能把金钱交给他们管理。And though executives chafe at financial regulation, the protection it provides makes investors far more likely to hand them money to play with.

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他们很多是白人男性,但是却感受不到一丝优越,对美国优待少数民族的社会计划,常觉得对他们不公平而十分焦躁。They are often white and male, but they do not feel privileged and they often chafe at the way affirmative-action policies discriminate against them.

但是我还是对那些美国大人物的做法表示恼火,在他们丑陋和光辉的做法下面,他们应该缓和一下对恐怖分子和他们试图招募新兵的恐惧。But I chafe at the idea that great American debates, in all their ugliness and splendor, should be tempered for terrorists and their attempts to recruit.

但他们对转移美联储防止欺诈和不公平贷款的消费者保护功能到一个新的机构的计划很恼火。But they chafe at the plan to shift the Fed’s consumer-protection functions, which protect people from deceptive and unfair lending practices, to a new agency.

你可能不满于受束缚,因对别人的责任而感到焦躁,这样,你产生逆反心理,想摆脱束缚。You might chafe under restrictions and responsibilities that you have for others, and this feeling makes you want to rebel or be free of whatever ties you down.

外层通常使用人工合成的材料——经过防水处理和防风处理。而内层的内衬比羊绒还要光滑,减少与马体皮肤的摩擦。Outer shells are usually made of synthetics which are water repellent and windproof, while the inner lining is smoother than wool so it won chafe against the horse skin.

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让我们每个人都上升到伟大的高度,认识到一些我们磕碰到的约束实际上帮助我们上升和成功的持续不断的力量源泉。Let us each rise to the great heights , recognizing that some of the restraints that we may chafe under are actually the steadying force that helps us ascend and achieve.

在这些讨论中,我发现很多人对“最佳”一词颇为不满,因为这个词显示出高人一等的优越感,就如同说我的实践比任何其他人的都要好一样。In these discussions, I find that many chafe at the word "best" because it seems to imply arrogance and elitism -- as if I am saying that my practices are better than anyone else's.