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真有你的,不错,是这样,汤姆。By hokey , that's so, Tom!

这里没有提供热键鼠标消息。No hokey mouse messages here.

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为什么你这样聪明的小孩要听这种做作的老故事?Why would a smart kid like you want to hear hokey old stories?

这个芭斯罗缤美味且香脆的口味有着一个很有趣的名字!HOKEY POKEYA funny name for this delicious and crunchy Baskin-Robbins flavor!

在Facebook上,他的粉丝小组拥有8000名成员,在视频网站YouTube上,更是出现了一段称颂他英雄事迹的恶搞民谣。His Facebook fan club has 8,000 members, and a hokey ballad on YouTube sings his praises.

罗姆尼的竞选活动中,还出现过一些狂热和做作的场面。There is also something off-putting about his campaign—something a bit cultish and a bit hokey.

“好啦,”赫普兹巴愉快地说道,“郝琪在哪儿?哦,在这儿——把它拿走吧,郝琪——”"Now then, " said Hepzibah happily, "where's Hokey? Oh yes, there you are — take that away now, Hokey. "

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那些经常出现的问题和关键点被淹没在多余的信息和矫揉造作的图形的汪洋大海里。The often-related problem, the critical points are lost in a cloud of superfluous information and hokey graphics.

虽然有很多合法的网上广告业务,并在互联网上,弄虚作假,球队,其中还盛产欺骗性。Although there are many legitimate online ads and business on the internet, phony, hokey , and deceptive one also abound.

对,这也是我的结论。而且,也像对莫芬那样,魔法部本来就倾向于怀疑郝琪。"Yes, that is my conclusion too, " said Dumbledore. "And, just as with Morfin, the Ministry was predisposed to suspect Hokey —"

最后一件事,我还没准备好灵魂的称量。在我去见死神阿努比斯前,我还有一些没完成的事要做。帮帮我。One last thing, I'm still not ready for that soul weighing malarkey. I have some unfinished business before I hokey cokey with Anubis. Help me.

站在伟大的长城上,在为战争思绪万千的同时,感受着和平,我情不自禁地幻想着一个果然能实现奥林匹克这个空洞理念的世界的存在。Standing on the Great Wall, feeling peaceful while thinking of war, I couldn't help but imagine a world in which a hokey Olympic ideal could ring true.

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现在想想之前看到过一篇关于9000的帖子,你一定会记得那句做作的台词“高品质材质,高品质收尾工艺”。Think back to the most recent post on BlackBerry 9000 Final Specs and you’ll remember the hokey line that read “High quality material, high-end finish”.

“是啊,”邓布利多说着无力地微微一笑,“现在该听听家养小精灵郝琪的记忆了,她的主人是一位年纪很大、很富有的女巫,名叫赫普兹巴·史密斯。”"Well, quite, " said Dumbledore, with a faint smile. "And now it is time to hear from Hokey the house-elf, who worked for a very old, very rich witch by the name of Hepzibah Smith.