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但是它产生了政治化的社会力量,并且能够发动起政治变革。But it politicizedand generated social power that can instigate political change.

你觉得香港人有冇责任推动中国既经济发展?Do you think Hong Kong people have a responsibility to instigate economic development in China?

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是仇恨,还是对生命的无奈,还是为了区区一点赏金,或是被利用唆摆?Hatred, or helplessness of life, or for the sake a little reward, or be used instigate pendulum?

是否甚至反而会激发极少数人报复性地侵犯贵国的知识产权呢?Whether it would instigate a minority of people to breach your intellectual property as revenge?

像这样一个丧家的臭皮囊,出来带头搞“三退”,哪一个理智健全的人会跟着他跑呢?Might any one with clear sense follow such a hollow man when he came out to instigate "three quits"?

他们之前已经形成了睡眠者的细胞,只要等到信号,就会即刻进行大规模的招募。They’ve formed sleeper cells, just waiting for the signal to instigate a mass-recruitment at a moment’s notice.

接下来的一到两个星期里,注意你的周遭和那些可以拨动你心弦的议论。Over the next week or two, pay attention to the situations and comments that automatically instigate an emotion.

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没有盟书的威胁,许恩淑开始拼命地指使马智星,让她在家里一遍一遍地打扫卫生做家务。No threat of MengShu, start to instigate Xu Enshu Ma Zhixing, let her over and over again at home cleaning the housework.

教唆犯作为教唆他人犯罪的人,不仅是犯意的挑起者,也是犯意的传播者。Abettors, who instigate others to commit crimes, are not only the instigators but also the disseminator of criminal intent.

纱布受男友指使偷了文哉的钱,被警察抓住,纱布一气之下把文哉的过去说了出来。Gauze by boyfriend instigate stole the zai money, was caught by police and gauze in a pet to wen zai past say that come out.

我的朋友们,真理是,你们的政府操控着世界,它们是教唆者或教唆者的走卒。My friends, the truth is that your governments manipulate the world, where they instigate it or are pawns of the instigators.

本文分为四部分,第一部分对有关“教唆词讼”的先行研究作了一个简要的概述。This paper can be divided into four parts. The first part briefly outlines the previous achievements on"instigate the lawsuits".

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线上能推动线下的交流,线下的聚会又能相辅相成地让线上宣传显得更有吸引力。While online interest is used to instigate offline interaction, offline meetings can drive online appeal to an even greater audience.

吕布无情无义无爱,嗜争斗为命,四处挑起战争,但一直未逢敌手。Lv Bu is ruthless without love, combat of be addicted to is a life, instigate everywhere war, but did not meet all the time adversary.

金东囿在画布上无所不用其极,刻意调控各种绘画手法,在平面的结构里三番四次挑起活动。The structure is deliberately articulated in modulation to instigate activity in every form that his two-dimensional canvas can provide.

与此不同,在多点触摸桌面上构建界面需要用户自发的加入到音乐分享中来。By contrast, building an interface on multi-touch table request to instigate information about music sharing with spontaneous engagement.

罗斯同意,新闻报道,既无必要,也不足以完全煽动起一项否则就不会发生的犯罪。Ross agreed that news reports are neither necessary nor sufficient to completely instigate a crime that otherwise would not have occurred.

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改变严格的登记制度、阻止巨大的工资差别,民主的决策以及不要给领导者们贴上一些不可能做到的标准。Don't instigate rigid hierarchies, discourage huge pay differentials, democratise decision-making and don't set impossible standards for leaders.

Moreno说,Mendoza的兄弟应经因“与其兄弟合谋犯罪”被逮捕,据称他怂恿Mendoza开枪射击。Moreno said that Mendoza's brother was arrested because he was "guilty of conspiring with his brother" and allegedly helped instigate the shooting.

这些人将是那些领导者的天生助手,来发展、励和监控基于统一的统辖新形式。Such humans will be natural assistants to those in leadership positions to develop, instigate and oversee new forms of governance that are unity based.