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她斜靠在栏杆上。She leaned over the banister.

一只手扶住楼梯扶手.Hold the banister with one hand.

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他拱起身子越过栏杆去抓她的手。He arched over the banister to grab her hand.

“将军”被铐在栏杆上,留在了房间里。Krantz is cuffed to the banister and left behind.

男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister.

我把水罐放在栏杆上,连忙自己开门让他进来。I put the jug on the banister and hastened to admit him myself.

就像你把栏杆的下沿擦的再亮也一点也不重要。Doesn't matter how well you polish the underside of the banister.

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而白与黑的扶栏缓和了整个空间给人的冲击。The black and white painted banister tempers the shock of colour.

她站在楼梯口上,紧紧地握住栏杆。She was standing at the top of the stairs, hanging on to the banister.

我迈步向前,走过走廊的橱柜,走过楼梯的扶栏,孩童时候我们常常从扶栏上滑下来取乐。I stepped past the hallway closet and the banister we used to slide down as kids.

孩子们在床上用被子盖着,父亲悬挂在系在楼梯栏杆上的一根绳子上。The children were in beds beneath sheets, the father hanging by a rope from a banister.

一个年轻的苗条的男子,顺着扶栏滑了下来来到餐厅喝咖啡。Neddy , a youthfully slender man, slid down the banister and jogged to the dining room for coffee.

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了解有关巴尼斯特回家具收集和收藏18世纪在此免费视频古董椅子。Learn about banister back 18th century antique chairs in this free video on furniture collecting and collectibles.

了解有关反家具收集和收藏品在此免费视频巴尼斯特18世纪的古董椅子。Learn about reversed banister 18th century antique chairs in this free video on furniture collecting and collectibles.

我们从火焰周围栽种物下方伸展出来的柔滑的圆形坡道自然地进入这个花园。We access naturally to this garden from a soft and circular banister that spreads under the planted vault around flames.

他们来到露台上。克劳迪亚倚在栏杆边欣赏着被白雪覆盖的麦克罗斯城。They went out to the balcony and Claudia rested her weight against the banister while she looked at the snowy Macross City.

介绍一种结构简单、灵敏度高的L型双面棒刀保险装置,该装置对提高绸缎质量、减少棒刀多少起有显著作用。Describes a simple and sensitive L-shaped double-faced banister shaft device, which can significantly reduces harness skips.

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尝试在日光浴室的楼梯扶手上滑滑梯、儿童棒球、游泳聚会,还有在白宫草坪上“藏猫猫”。Slide down the banister of the solarium, go to T-ball games, have swimming parties, and play Sardines on the White House lawn.

.从日光浴室的楼梯扶栏上滑下来,玩棒球游戏,参加游泳派对,在白宫的草坪上玩游戏。总之尽情在这里享受你们的童年时光。slide down the banister of the solarium, go to T-ball games, have swimming parties, and play sardines on the White House lawn.

根据笔者的经验,做楼梯扶栏的最理想材料是煅钢,其次是铸铁,再次是木,再次是瓷。According to the author's experience, the best material that makes banister is forge steel, it is cast-iron next, it is wood again, it is porcelain again.