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一个哈比人,夏尔的比尔伯·巴金斯。A hobbit – Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.

当地有个名叫马尔克姆华莱士的农民。Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace.

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希雷既是方多的补给拖船操作员,也是一个偷船贼。While serving as a supply tug operator on Fondor, Shire also was a thief.

这些领域的诺福克,剑桥郡仍然如此强劲在我的记忆中。Those fields of Norfolk and Cambridge shire are still so strong in my memory.

考德尔被押回萨福克郡,审判地点预定在埃德蒙兹贝里街的公共广场。Corder was taken back to Suffolk where he was tried at Shire Hall, Bury St. Edmunds.

在夏尔要建造28座哈比人的洞窟,而且每一个都不能相同。About 28 separate Hobbit holes had to be built for the Shire. Each one had to be different.

我无比热爱“魔戒现身”的电影和原书,主要因为夏尔。The main reason I love the Fellowship of the Ring movie and the book is because of The Shire.

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你既然喜欢某某郡,打算在那里工作,我但愿你不要因为他在附近而影响了你原来的计划。I hope your plans in favour of the --- shire will not be affected by his being in the neighbourhood.

丽迪雅郡郡喜欢的简便性14-16盎司沙朗牛排,送达防风菜泥和香酥防风芯片。Shire prefers the simplicity of a 14-16 oz. sirloin steak, served with parsnip purée and crispy parsnip chips.

本文以南朝高门琅琊王氏家族为切入点,对上述现象尝试进行了初步的探讨。This paper tries to explain the phenomenon mentioned above, taking the Wang Clan of Langya Shire as an example.

英国夏尔马"杜克"高195.6厘米,有望成为世界最高的马。A shire horse from Britain named Duke is expected to become the world's tallest horse, with a height of 195.6cm.

坎特伯雷位于英国东南部,属于肯特郡,是座不到四万人的古城。Canterbury lies in the southeast of Britain, belonging to Kent Shire and it is an ancient city of less than 40,000 people.

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韩国和秦国乃至后来建立的秦潮都曾设置过三川郡。Sancbuan as a shire was once setup in the States of Han and Qin during the Warring States Period and later the Qin Dynasty.

首先,他们把国度区分为郡,郡庭和郡官、或行政司长官卖力执。Firstly, they divided the country into shires, with shire courts and shire reeves, or sheriffs, responsible for administering law.

首先,他们把国家划分为郡,郡法庭和郡法官、或行政司法长官负责执法。Firstly, they divided the country into shires, with shire courts and shire reeves, or sheriffs, responsible for administering law.

杀人未遂获保释后,被禁止探视儿子的她又冒充汤姆的姑妈进入了位于英格兰东南部的赫特福德郡的私人疗养院。On bail for his attempted murder and banned from seeing him, she entered his nursing home in Hertford shire by posing as his aunt.

她一个弱小女子竟通过了义忠郡王府的万千阻拦给他送出了一封信。She a languid young girl unexpectedly passed righteousness allegiance shire Wang Fu of 100001000 impeded to mail out a letter as him.

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现在斯蒂尔顿奶酪受到英国法律的保护,只允许在莱斯特郡、诺丁汉郡和德贝郡这三个地方生产。Stilton cheese is now protected by British law, only allowed in Leicester shire, Nottingham shire and Derby shire three local production.

尽管希雷又落入了蒂兰恩的魔掌,不过很快,卢克·天行者就击败蛇主,最终把希雷和她的人民从奴隶制度下解放了出来。Again in the custody of Tyrann, Shire and her people were finally rescued from slavery when Luke Skywalker defeated the ruling Serpent Masters.

斯坦福郡的詹姆斯·布林德雷,出身于一个贫苦的农村家庭,1733年,十七岁的他,就着手改良磨坊的车轮,从而开始了他那自我奋斗的生涯。James Brindley of Stratford shire started his self-made career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, at the age of seventeen, having been born poor in a village.